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Real estate and construction

Authors: Malte Kuhlmann, Richard Schulte, Malte Schott
Last updated: September 30th 2023

1 Definition and Relevance

Sustainability plays an increasingly key role in the various economic sectors, including the “Real Estate and Construction” industry. The term “Real Estate” is defined as “property in the form of land or buildings” by the Cambridge dictionary1 Cambridge Dictionary. Real Estate. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/real-estate (2023). . The Webster’s New World College Dictionary describes the forenamed term in three diverse ways2 Agnes, M. Webster’s New World College Dictionary 4th Edition. Real Estate. (2010). :

  1. “land, including buildings or improvements on it and its natural assets, as water
  2. the profession or work of an agent in the purchase and sale of real estate
  3. the buying and selling of real estate for investment or speculation”

Regarding to Collins English Dictionary real estate is “another term for real property”3 Collins Dictionary. Real Estate. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/real-estate (2023). . For better understanding a further look on the term “immovable property” and a definition of this should be made. Section 3(25) of the General Clauses Act 1897 defines it as follows: “‘immovable property’ shall include land, benefits to arise out of land, and things attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth”4 Bangladesh Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division http://bdlaws.minlaw.gov.bd/act-73/section-19961.html (2019). .

From the definitions it can be said that real estate refers to land and everything that is affixed to it, such as buildings. The real estate or property market, on the other hand, is “the interconnected system of the market mechanisms providing creation, transfer, management and financing of real property” as Kauskale and Geipele wrote in 20175 Kauskale, L. & Geipele, I. Integrated approach of real estate market analysis in sustainable development context for decision making 172, pp.505-512 (Procedia Engineering, 2017). .

The real estate sector can be divided into diverse types. While Ball states that the research on real estate divides the field into two types of use: residential and commercial6 Ball, M. Market & Institution in real estate & construction. (Blackwell publishing Ltd, 2006). , Ojo et al. make a more extensive subdivision of the field by additionally including: agricultural, industrial and special purpose use7 Ojo, O., Dabara, D.I. & Ajayi, M.T.A. Performance of commercial and residential real estate investments in Ibadan property market, Nigeria. Property Management 40 No. 2, 169-191 (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022). .

The European Public Real Estate Association equates real estate with the term “Built Environment”8 European Public Real Estate Association. Real Estate in the Real Economy. (2012). , which is related to the term “Building Industry” describing “the economic sector comprising all companies involved in construction” following the Collins Dictionary9 Collins Dictionary. Building Industry. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/building-industry (2023). .

The industry’s second term “Construction” is defined as “the work of building or making something especially buildings, bridges etc.” as it is written within the Cambridge Dictionary10 Cambridge Dictionary. Construction. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/de/worterbuch/englisch/construction (2023). .

From the previous definitions it can be deduced that the industry of real estate and construction refers to buildings as immovable property as well as the processes connected to it such as creation, management, and financing of these.

The real estate and construction sector has a significant importance in the social and economic drive. Binovska et al. asserted that “real estate is the basis of the national wealth of any country, which is considered as the backbone of the market economy”11 Binovska, I., Kauskale, L. & Vanags, J. The comparative analysis of real estate market development tendencies in the Baltic states. Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management 6, 6-23 (2018). .

Worldwide it can be observed that the real estate and construction sector make up a big part of countries’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment figures. The following table12 OECD. OECD.Stat. https://stats.oecd.org/ (2023). 13 ILO. ILOSTAT. https://ilostat.ilo.org/data/ (2023). shows the employment shares and GDPs for different continents as well as developed and developing countries. The table shows that the GDP share of the real estate sector in listed developed countries is higher than in developing ones. The share of employment of the real estate is lower than the construction sector’s share.

The share of GDP in the real estate sector for developed countries is higher than of the construction sector, while for the listed developed countries it is the opposite way around. The construction sector plays a key role in all countries in case of employment. In regard to the contribution to the GDP the relevance of real estate activities is higher in developed countries. Overall, the two sectors play a crucial role in countries’ economies by contributing to a big share of employment and GDP especially in relation to the number of 13 economic sectors listed by the NACE Rev. 2 classification14 Eurostat – Statistics Explained. Business economy by sector – NACE Rev. 2. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Business_economy_by_sector_-_NACE_Rev._2 (2023, February 23). .

Country / ContinentShare of EmploymentShare of GDP
European Union (EU)RE*: 1.0 % (2022) Con*: 6.7 % (2022) Tot*: 7.7 % (2022)RE: 9.3 % (2022) Con: 4.9 % (2022) Tot: 14.2 % (2022)
GermanyRE: 1.1 % (2022) Con: 5.8 % (2022) Tot: 6.9 % (2022)RE: 9.2 % (2022) Con: 5.5 % (2022) Tot: 14.7 % (2022)
USARE: 1.9 % (2021) Con: 7.3 % (2021) Tot: 9.2 % (2021)RE: 11.6 % (2021) Con: 4.0 % (2021) Tot: 15.6 % (2021)
China  RE: 3.2 % (2021) Con: 7.9 % (2021) Tot: 11.1 % (2021)RE: 6.1 % (2022) Con: 6.9 % (2022) Tot: 13.0 % (2022)
IndonesiaRE: 0.3 % (2017) Con: 6.7 % (2017) Tot: 7.0 % (2017)RE: 2.5 % (2022) Con: 9.8 % (2022) Tot: 12.3 % (2022)
JapanRE: 1.6 % (2020) Con: 7.4 % (2020) Tot: 9.9 % (2020)RE: 11.6 % (2021) Con: 4.0 % (2021) Tot: 15.6 % (2021)
Cameroon  RE: 0.2 % (2014) Con: 2.8 % (2014) Tot: 3.0 % (2014)RE: 4.4 % (2020) Con: 6.0 % (2020) Tot: 10.4 % (2020)
South AfricaRE: 0.9 % (2022) Con: 7.5 % (2022) Tot: 8.4 % (2022)RE: 6.8 % (2022) Con: 2.2 % (2022) Tot: 9.0 % (2022)
*Abbreviations: RE = Real Estate, Con = Construction, Tot = Total of both sectors)

Figure 1: Contribution to Employment and GDP of real estate and construction (own Illustration)

2 Sustainability Impact and Measurement

The real estate and construction sector plays a significant role in influencing the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. While the significance of these impacts may vary based on regional and contextual factors, in the further chapters are some of the most recognized critical sustainability impacts of the sector mentioned.

Addressing these critical sustainability impacts requires a holistic approach involving collaboration among governments, industry stakeholders, and communities. It involves adopting sustainable construction practices, promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy integration, embracing circular economy principles, and fostering social inclusivity and environmental stewardship throughout the real estate and construction sector. To prepare the adoption of sustainability measures, an evaluation should be made by measuring the influences of the different dimensions.

Measuring sustainability within the real estate and construction sector involves assessing various aspects of environmental, social, and economic performance. While introducing the sustainability affects some commonly used approaches and indicators for measuring sustainability within the sector are given.

2.1 Environmental Impact and Measurement

The real estate and construction sector has huge impacts on the environmental level. About 50%15 European Environment Agency. Buildings and Construction. https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/topics/in-depth/buildings-and-construction (2023, June 02). of the global extractions of resources are used for real estate and construction. The choice of building materials has a profound impact on a structure’s overall carbon footprint. Notably, the iron and steel industry contribute to 7.2% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, with 55% directed towards the construction sector16 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. Global Status Report 2020: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2021). . Among these emissions, 33% are associated with buildings, and 22% pertain to infrastructure.

2.1.1 Waste Production, Material and Water Usage

About 28% of the sectors CO2-emissions are related to the material use, while most of these result from cement and steel manufacturing and second-most from aluminum, glass, and insulation materials17 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme Global Status Report 2018: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2019). . Speaking of the globally consumption of raw materials 30% are associated to the built environment regarding to the World Economic Forum18 World Economic Forum. Environmental Sustainability Principles for the Real Estate Industry. The World Is About to See an Unprecedented Demographic Shift. (2016). . Economic activities underpinning materials usage carry diverse environmental ramifications: from their acquisition of materials such as greenhouse gas emissions during the extraction and processing of primary materials, their use favoring air pollution arising from the combustion of fossil fuels, and their disposal resulting in pollution of air, land, and water through waste landfilling19 OECD. Global Material Resources Outlook to 2060. Economic drivers and environmental consequences. (2019). . The organization Edge Environment claims that half20 Edge Environment. Construction and Demolition Waste Guide – Recycling and Reuse across the Supply Chain. Prepared by Edge Environment Pty Ltd for the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. (2011). of the globally generated waste is generated by this sector, and the European Commission accounts that more than 35%21 European Commission. Buildings and construction. https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/industry/sustainability/buildings-and-construction_en (2023). of the EU’s to this sector. The World Economic Forum mentions in 2016 that 40% of the landfill waste globally relates to real estate and construction activities18 World Economic Forum. Environmental Sustainability Principles for the Real Estate Industry. The World Is About to See an Unprecedented Demographic Shift. (2016). . The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has reported that throughout a building’s entire life cycle, the real estate and construction industry worldwide uses approximately 30% of the planet’s fresh water and handles 30% of the world’s wastewater22 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) & Division of Technology Industry and Economics (DTIE). Eco-house Guidelines, 5-6 (2006). .

Different instruments are available for measuring material-related impacts and efficiencies. Resource Efficiency Metrics like the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI)23 Niero, M. & Kalbar, P. Coupling material circularity indicators and life cycle based indicators: A proposal to advance the assessment of circular economy strategies at the product level. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140, 305-312 (2019). and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) offer frameworks for assessing resource efficiency and circularity in construction projects. GRI is a provider of sustainability reporting guidelines for companies, governments and non-governmental organizations and offers special solutions for different industry sectors such as construction and real estate24 GRI. GRI G4 Construction and Real Estate Sector Disclosures. (2018). . These metrics encourage sustainable material use and waste reduction. The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) tracks the movement of materials within construction projects25 Villareal, L. et. Al. Material flow analysis for reaching a sustainable model of the building sector. Portugal SB10: sustainable building affordable to all: low cost sustainable solutions. 147-154 (2010). . It helps pinpoint where waste is generated and opportunities for reducing, reusing, or recycling materials, thereby minimizing the environmental impact. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)26 Niero, M., Kalbar, P. Coupling material circularity indicators and life cycle based indicators: A proposal to advance the assessment of circular economy strategies at the product level. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140, 305-312 (2019). is a comprehensive tool that evaluates the environmental impact of products, materials, and buildings throughout their entire life cycle. It considers everything from raw material extraction to production, transportation, use, and disposal. This holistic perspective allows stakeholders to make informed decisions to minimize environmental footprints.

2.1.2 Energy Usage, Efficiency and Emissions

During to the International Energy Agency (IEA) the built environment generates 40 % of annual global CO2 emissions split to 27% for building operations, 6% for building construction industry and 7% for other construction industry27 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. Global Status Report 2022: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2023). . The IEA estimates that in 2040 around two thirds of global buildings will be buildings already existing today without fundamental upgrades that help lowering or avoiding emissions28 International Energy Agency. Energy Technology Perspectives 2020. (2021). . In 2021 CO2 emissions from buildings operations came to the highest level ever with approximately 10 GtCO2 excluding 3.6 GtCO2 of CO2 emissions from the production of building materials such as concrete, steel, aluminum, glass and bricks27 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. Global Status Report 2022: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2023). . The emission intensity of building operations and construction lowered to 40 kgCo2/m2 meaning a decrease of 7 % since 2015 as well as energy intensity to 152 kWh/m2 which is a decrease of 0.7 % since 2015. However, the demand of energy in buildings operations increased by 4 % from 2020 reaching an all-time high of 135 EJ. The major source of rising energy use and emissions by global building stock is electricity generated from coal and natural gas29 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. Global Status Report 2019: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2020). . In terms of usage class of buildings, the biggest share has the indirect residential and non-residential emissions27 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, International Energy Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. Global Status Report 2022: Towards a Zero‑emission, Efficient, and Resilient Buildings and Construction Sector. (2023). . Direct emissions are related to the use of coal, oil and natural gas in buildings while indirect emissions are from the generation of electricity and heat used in buildings. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory states 59% of the energy produced in the USA in 2013 was wasted because of inefficient use to a significant extent indebted to the sector30 LLNL. Energy Flow Charts.  https://flowcharts.llnl.gov/ (2014). .

To tackle those energy-related impacts the measurement of energy usage is needed. Various approaches are circulating for this purpose to examine energy consumption and efficiency including energy use intensity, energy benchmarking and energy performance certifications. ENERGY STAR, as an American eco-label, is one example for energy performance certifications. For ENERGY STAR certification, a building must meet EPA’s energy performance standards. The score is decided using real energy consumption data in EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, which factors in variables like operational conditions, regional climate data, and other relevant factors.31 ENERGY STAR. ENERGY STAR Certification for Buildings. https://www.energystar.gov/buildings/building_recognition/building_certification (2023).

Green Building Certification Systems such as LEED32 German Green Building Association. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | LEED. https://www.german-gba.org/leed/ (2023). and BREEAM33 O’Mally, C. et Al. Evaluating the Efficacy of BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH): A Cross-sectional Study. Energy Procedia 62, 210-219 (2014). , supply criteria and metrics for evaluating the sustainability of buildings. They assess factors like energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, and materials used, awarding certifications based on compliance with specific sustainability standards.

2.2 Social Impact and Measurement

The previously mentioned ecological influences are strongly related to the influences on the social dimension of sustainability. Environmental risks occurring from construction-related activities such as resource depletion, transport and manufacturing processes can have significant impacts on social aspects affecting communities, individuals and societies. Risks such as air pollution, water contamination, and exposure to hazardous substances can directly affect human health. Poor air quality, for instance, can lead to respiratory diseases, while contaminated water can cause waterborne illnesses. Environmental risks such as rising sea levels, droughts, wildfires, and extreme weather events can force people to leave their homes and communities. Beyond environmental considerations, social impact assessments evaluate factors such as community well-being, worker safety, and social equity. These assessments contribute to holistic sustainability evaluations.

2.2.1 Working Conditions and Safety

Workers in the construction sector are particularly exposed to the risk of injuries and accidents in the workplace. Over 20% of heavy accidents on workplaces take place in this sector and the risk of fatal accidents is ten times higher than in other sectors34 Laurent Vogel. Working conditions in construction: a paradoxical invisibility. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute (2020). . The measurement of work safety involves indicators such as counting of work-related accidents and illnesses35 ILO. World Statistic. The enormous burden of poo working conditions. https://www.ilo.org/moscow/areas-of-work/occupational-safety-and-health/WCMS_249278/lang–en/index.htm (2023). . Beyond accidents, the construction industry faces more worrisome long-term consequences due to a range of harmful exposures: heavy lifting, vibrations, uncomfortable postures, extended standing, harsh weather, and chemical risks. Studies highlight a concerning uptick in occupational cancers within construction. Material and process choices prioritize cost and convenience, often neglecting systematic risk assessments34 Laurent Vogel. Working conditions in construction: a paradoxical invisibility. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute (2020). . The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics yearly releases the number of fatal work injuries and the fatal work injury rate monitoring work safety in the USA36 Bureau of Labor Statistics. National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries 2021. (2021). .

2.2.2 Affordable Housing and Demographic Changes

The real estate industry especially influences challenges on the social dimension such as affordable housing and inclusion. Regarding to the United Nations Population Fund two third of the world population will live in urban areas37 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Urbanization Overview. http://www.unfpa.org/urbanization (2017). During to the circumstance that increased people tend to live in cities, housing prices are rising. Especially in big cities housing prices increased to a level beyond inflation, so that it is becoming difficult for increased people to afford living in these areas38 Sherif, G., Masson, T. & Caycedo, M. Evolutions in sustainability and sustainable real estate. Sustainable Real Estate: Multidisciplinary Approaches to an Evolving System 11-31 (2019): . Housing is considered affordable if persons with household incomes at or below the median income can afford living39 Bhatta, B. Analysis of Urban Growth and Sprawl from Remote Sensing Data. Advances in Geographic Information Science 23 (Springer, 2010). . Regarding to the European Parliament about 80% of cities globally are not providing the most of their inhabitants with affordable housing alternatives40 European Parliament. Access to decent and affordable housing for all. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A-9-2020-0247_EN.html (2020). . Escalating housing costs, stagnant incomes, demographic pressures, and reduced public investments in housing have progressively intensified housing affordability challenges in many OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and non-OECD European Union (EU) nations42 OECD. Housing and Inclusive Growth. (OECD Publishing, 2020). . From 2005 to 2019, real estate prices surged in 31 OECD countries, while rental prices increased in all but two OECD nations42 OECD. Housing and Inclusive Growth. (OECD Publishing, 2020). . Locating affordable housing has become a challenging task, particularly for individuals with limited or unpredictable incomes, young adults, families with children, and senior citizens. In fact, despite some recent improvements, more than a third of low-income renters, on average across the OECD, spend over 40% of their disposable income on housing, classifying them as burdened by housing costs43 OECD. Affordable Housing Database. www.oecd.org/social/affordable-housingdatabase.htm (2020). . There is a substantial surge in house prices across OECD countries, particularly impacting renters, and the availability of priced housing had fallen short of meeting the demand. Demographic change poses challenges for the real estate sector. The World Economic Forum mentions that soon the share of person over 65 years will be higher than of people under 5018 World Economic Forum. Environmental Sustainability Principles for the Real Estate Industry. The World Is About to See an Unprecedented Demographic Shift. (2016). . Solutions tackling this challenge such as mixed-use properties must be found and implemented.

The OECD uses various indicators and metrics to assess and measure affordable housing. These indicators help analyze housing markets and policies across member countries and supply insights into housing affordability issues44 OECD. OVERVIEW OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INDICATORS. (2021). . Some key indicators and metrics used by the OECD include for example45 OECD. Affordable Housing Database. https://www.oecd.org/housing/data/affordable-housing-database (2022). : House Price-to-Income Ratio, comparing the median house price to the median household income, Rent-to-Income Ratio, measuring the proportion of a household’s income that goes toward rent, Housing Cost Overburden, assessing the percentage of households that spend a disproportionate amount of their income on housing, and Social Housing Stock, which indicates the availability of government-subsidized or social housing.

These indicators and metrics, among others, allow the OECD to evaluate and compare housing affordability across member countries, find challenges, and assess the effectiveness of policies aimed at improving housing affordability44 OECD. OVERVIEW OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING INDICATORS. (2021). . They supply valuable insights for policymakers and researchers working to address housing affordability issues on a global scale.

2.2.3 Gender Equality

Gender equality plays a key role addressing social sustainability aiming for social justice. Regarding to the European Trade Union Institute more than 90% of workers in the construction industry are men34 Laurent Vogel. Working conditions in construction: a paradoxical invisibility. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute (2020). (2021). . While the construction sector has a huge lack of women participation, the rea estate sector holds bigger shares of female workforce: around 35% in USA and Canada47 CREW Network. Diversity: The Business Advantage. Best Practices for Gender Equality and Inclusion in Commercial Real Estate. (2017). , 46% in Sweden48 Märklarsamfundet. The Swedish Housing Market and Real Estate Agents. Information and Key Figures 2016. https://www.maklarsamfundet.se/sites/default/files/In English/report_swedish_housing_market_estate_agents_aug_2016.pdf(2016). , 65% in Australia49 Rikard Jonsson. Women in Real Estate Around the World. https://www.adfenix.com/post/women-in-real-estate-around-the-world (2022, January 19). . A trend of increasing equality can be seen in the general employment rates of women. However, the forementioned studies reveal a lack of female involvement in leadership positions. In the USA, for example, only 15% of women account for top management positions47 CREW Network. Diversity: The Business Advantage. Best Practices for Gender Equality and Inclusion in Commercial Real Estate. (2017). . Speaking of payment equality, a significant pay gap can be seen in different countries. In the UK, the pay gap is 27% in the Real Estate sector meaning it is twice as high as the UKs average pay gap49 Rikard Jonsson. Women in Real Estate Around the World. https://www.adfenix.com/post/women-in-real-estate-around-the-world (2022, January 19). . Social dialogue to capture concerns and needs of the female and male workforce can help addressing these challenges. The Gender Participatory Audit Methodology by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as an instrument for tracking and evaluating advancements in the integration of gender considerations50 ILO. Gender Equality. https://www.ilo.org/moscow/areas-of-work/gender-equality/lang–en/index.htm (2023). . The Gender Inequality Index (GII) helps sign inequalities across countries and measures gender-based disparities on three key dimensions considering labor force participation rates and labor market index51 Human Development Reports. GENDER INEQUALITY INDEX (GII). https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/thematic-composite-indices/gender-inequality-index#/indicies/GII (2023). .

2.3 Economic Impact and Measurement

Chapter 1 described the economic relevance of these sectors in terms of contribution to countries’ GDP and employment showing those sectors play a crucial role in the global economy. The relevance of the sector varies for developed and developing countries. Construction contributes more to the GDP in developing countries than real estate especially in comparison to the employment statistics. This shows that the production factor labor force plays a more key role than capital in developing countries, while in developed countries it is vice versa. The chapters 2.1 and 2.2 outlined the impacts on the social and environmental dimension of sustainability resulting from construction and real estate activities. The forementioned impacts are influencing the economic success of companies and nations. Despite the fact of external costs resulting from environmental risks and damages the well-being of people and thus workers play a key role for not just the real estate and construction industry.

Job fluctuation for example because of bad working conditions is related to high costs for companies hiring during to replacement costs, decreasing productivity and morality loss52 O’Connell, M. & Kung, M. The Cost of Employee Turnover. Industrial Management 49, 14-19 (2007). . The construction sector is highly vulnerable to economic downturns, leading to reduced demand in both private and public projects. The industry relies on temporary, undocumented, and self-employed workers, as well as numerous small businesses that can shut down quickly. These factors contribute to increased job insecurity among construction workers, which, in turn, heightens the risk of workplace accidents34 Laurent Vogel. Working conditions in construction: a paradoxical invisibility. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute (2020). .

Another relevant factor is the efficiency of material usage and extraction. As mentioned before, high amounts of energy are being wasted within real estate and construction activities resulting in a poor cost benefit balance. The use of cheap and short-living materials and building design can lead to higher maintenance demand and thus cost53 Sherif, G., Masson, T. & Caycedo, M. Evolutions in sustainability and sustainable real estate. Sustainable Real Estate: Multidisciplinary Approaches to an Evolving System. 11-31 (2019): .

Already described instruments for more sustainability and efficiency measurements can help increasing economic benefits in a sustainable and long-term manner. Return on Investment analyses focusing on sustainable features and investments help assessing the benefits resulting from these elements to achieve reduction of operation costs and costs saving over times.

3 Sustainability Strategies and Measures

Green Building is a movement that encompasses the design, construction, and operation of new buildings. It concentrates on promoting occupant health and resource efficiency therefore minimizing negative side effects on the environment. There is a wide terminology for this matter. The Top word used in this context is sustainable construction and green building is a sub word that describes the most perfect way to achieve sustainable construction54 Kibert, C. J. Green buildings: an overview of progress. Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law 19.2 491-502 (2004). .

Historically the movement started small in the 1990s. In the USA there were only a small number of buildings constructed associated with the movement. In the coming years, the numbers doubled and went to 407 Buildings in 2003 with a positive trend54 Kibert, C. J. Green buildings: an overview of progress. Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law 19.2 491-502 (2004). . A market study from a newspaper found that the United States has 124 212 green buildings in the year 202155 USWITCH. The countries with the most green buildings https://www.bdcnetwork.com/countries-most-green-buildings (2021). .

Green Buildings need high investments and startup cash for the buildings to follow green building standards. After these investments buildings still show a significant financial advantage over conventional buildings with higher rents and prices on the market56 Eichholtz, P., N. K., & John M. Q. The economics of green building. Review of Economics and Statistics 95(1), 50-63 (2013). . The average premium for green buildings in the USA is only 2% higher than conventional buildings, the on average higher energy efficiency of 28% alone equals more than upfront costs for green buildings57 Kats, G. Green building costs and financial benefits. Boston, MA: Massachusetts technology collaborative, (2003). .

3.1 Green building certificates

Authorities and Organization are using rating systems like LEED, BREAAM, Green star and CASBEE for measuring their building sustainability practices. The resulting certificates help with taking measures to improve, for example, energy efficiency. BREEAM certified buildings consume 6-30% less energy. LEED certified buildings consume even less with 18-39% less energy consumption58 Doan, D. T., et al. A critical comparison of green building rating systems. Building and Environment 123, 243-260 (2017). . The most important thing in using LEED and the likes and achieving a certificate is project management. Taking certain managerial steps in the life cycle of the building project is important in achieving desired sustainability goals59 Wu, P., & Low P. S. Project Management and Green Buildings: Lessons from the Rating Systems. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 136(2) (2010). .

3.2 Green building design

Getting a green building certificate and therefore designing a green building is a challenge for architects and construction firms. The process is not linear and more circle. Following the entire life cycle of the buildings the designer needs to assess the impacts, performance, and cost of the building, to achieve that groups like the Arup Associates made design principles, for example the designs must achieve sustainability through the whole life, or that there is not standardized Method for every site and building60 Sustainable Built Environments: Principles and Practice. (Willy-Blackwell, 2017).

3.3 Environmental Strategies and Measures

3.3.1 Energy efficiency (solar panels)

Saving energy and having higher energy efficiency is one of the main points of green building. There are certain measure and Strategies to take in bettering this circumstance. Renewable energy is one way to generate sustainable energy. Using renewable energy for the energy needs of buildings reduces Co2 and has financial benefits. It vastly reduces the impact on the environment for building energy needs61 Al-Ghamdi, Sami G., & Melissa M. B. On-site renewable energy and green buildings: a system-level analysis. Environmental science & technology 50(9), 4606-4614 (2016). . Construction of Solar panels in existing buildings for example can have several benefits like lower energy costs, reduction of the environmental impact, lower Co2 emissions and energy independence62 Lee, J., & Shepley M. M. Benefits of solar photovoltaic systems for low-income families in social housing of Korea: Renewable energy applications as solutions to energy poverty. Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020). .

Geothermal energy is a specific type of renewable energy that can be accessed through heat pumps as an energy source. These are called Geothermal Heat pumps or Ground sourced Heat Pumps (GSHP). The usage of these can save 30 % to 40% of the energy used for heating. In milder and moderate climate areas they are even 2 to 3 times more efficient than other electrical heating sources63 Ahmadi, M. H., et al. Ground source heat pump carbon emissions and ground‐source heat pump systems for heating and cooling of buildings: A review. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 37(4), 1241-1265 (2018). .

Proper insulation is helping with heat flow in both directions and better hygric properties like vapor permeability64 Platt, S. L., et al. Sustainable bio & waste resources for thermal insulation of buildings. Construction and Building Materials 366 (2023). . Therefore, better insulation helps with reducing energy consumption due to lower demand for heating, ranging from energy savings of 13% to 16%65 Paraschiv, S., Paraschiv, L. S., & Serban, A. Increasing the energy efficiency of a building by thermal insulation to reduce the thermal load of the micro-combined cooling, heating and power system. Energy Reports 7, 286-298 (2021). .

Windows are not only a source of natural lighting but also a reason for heating loss. A good, designed window system helps in reducing building energy66 Feng, F., et al. A critical review of fenestration/window system design methods for high performance buildings. Energy and Buildings 248 (2021). . The loss of 25-40% of total energy loss through buildings shows the need for better window systems. Nano technology and high-performance windows can have higher energy efficiency ranging 17 to 20% in certain new models67 Gyeong S. C., et al. Design and Energy Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Windows with Nanotechnology Convergence Type. Applied Mechanics and Materials 521, 752-756 (2014). .

3.3.2 Water conservation

Even developed countries like Taiwan are fighting with water shortages in urban areas, especially in times of the dry seasons. The Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) is getting on the trend for green building because of water shortage68 Cheng, C. Evaluating water conservation measures for Green Building in Taiwan. Building and Environment 38(2), 369-379 (2003). .

Therefore, Water conservation has an impact on the environmental impact of buildings. Tools like the building information modelling (BIM) can help with improving this, an interview with expert in the field shows first signs in the right direction concerning water conversation in many ways69 Zhen, L. et al. A Building Information Modelling (BIM) based Water Efficiency (BWe) framework for sustainable building design and construction management. Electronics 8(6) (2019). .

Rainwater harvesting systems (RWHS) is an innovative technology to help with sustainability in water consumption through usage of Rainwater. It also gives benefits in diversification of water sources and water security. It lowers the impact on the environment that buildings and urban areas have70 de Sá Silva, A. C. R., et al. Exploring environmental, economic and social aspects of rainwater harvesting systems: A review. Sustainable Cities and Society 76 (2022). . The RWHS can save enormous quantities of water at an acceptable cost and give added benefits economically. Certain regions of Australia show a water saving rate of 6-10%, combining this with other water saving strategies will improve this value to 29%71 Amos, C. C., Rahman, A., & Gathenya, M. J. Economic analysis and feasibility of rainwater harvesting systems in urban and peri-urban environments: A review of the global situation with a special focus on Australia and Kenya. Water 8(4), 369-379 (2016). .

Greywater harvesting is the practice of recycling greywater. Greywater is dirty water used for washing, for example in showers and laundry rooms. This water can be reused for toilet systems, constructed wetland and garden irrigation. The saving rate of water contributed to greywater harvest amount to up to 54%72 Rahman, M. M., et al. Sustainable water use in construction. Sustainable construction technologies. Butterworth-Heinemann, 211-235 (2019). . A study in Jordan, a country with a severe water problem shows similar saving rates. The recycled greywater was successfully used for gardening purposes and gave decent quality harvest products73 Boufaroua, M., Albalawneh, A., & Oweis T. Assessing the efficiency of grey-water reuse at household level and its suitability for sustainable rural and human development. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 3(4) (2013). . These greywater harvesting systems can also contribute to lower cost for water up to 32% and lower the energy cost of 35,7% in single month74 Wanjiru, E., & Xiaohua X. Sustainable energy-water management for residential houses with optimal integrated grey and rain water recycling. Journal of cleaner production 170, 1151-1166 (2018). .

The correct water plumbing fixtures can reduce water usage in buildings by 48% to 60% without hindering user experience. Over a longer period (50 years) the plumbing fixture will also yield economic benefits75 Basak, B., et al. “Adoption of Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures, a Case Study of a Residential Building.” 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), Bangladesh, February, (2020). .

The usage of LEED design in green buildings with the former mentioned measure can reduced water consumption through water recycling of 33,5%76 Talpur, B. D., Ullah, A., & Ahmed, S. Water consumption pattern and conservation measures in academic building: a case study of Jamshoro Pakistan. SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-11 (2020). .

3.3.3 Waste reduction

The amount of construction waste is rising annually by 25%77 Avilova, P. I., et al. Sustainable Development of Civil and Residential Real Estate Based on the Construction Waste Recycling. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890, 1-8 (2020). . A large amount of C02 and construction waste is generated by the construction sector. Certain steps and regulations have been taken to counter that. Reuse and recycling are the main points of this development and the use of sustainable materials78 Kukah, S. A., Blay Jnr, A. & Opoku A. Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Resource Consumption in the Ghanaian Construction Industry. International Journal of Real Estate Studies 16(1), 51-59 (2022). . The construction and demolition waste (C&DW) can be recycled with the use of strategically positioned recycling plants. These can recycle from 50% up to 95% of the waste depending on the material itself79 Wu K. and Gong Z. A Critical Review of Recycling Facility Location and Optimization Methods for Construction and Demolition Waste. CRIOCM 2021: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 203-211 (2022). .

For Household, the amount of waste that can be recycled is limited by contamination with food and water. Separating your waste in a household will therefore improve the amount of household waste that can be recycled. A new system separating waste and heightened awareness is even cost efficient compared to old ways80 Zhuang, Y. et al. Source separation of household waste: A case study in China. Waste Management 28(10), 2022-2030 (2008). .

Urban areas are having a problem with land shortage and cannot expand in the normal way. After demolition and new construction, a way of sustainable urban development is the practice of reusing and renovating old buildings. This practice is more possible in mid to low sized urban areas because they do not have the economy to sustain more new constructions. It can even help with increasing productivity and cost efficiency in the construction sector81 Mangialardo, A., & Micelli, E. Reconstruction or Reuse? How Real Estate Values and Planning Choices Impact Urban Redevelopment. Sustainability 12(10) (2020). .

3.3.4 Air quality

There are non-industry buildings with negative health effect on the occupants these are called “sick” buildings82 Norbäck, D., Michel, I., & Widström, J. Indoor air quality and personal factors related to the sick building syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 16(2), 121-128 (1990). . Improving air quality and therefore the health quality for the occupants is therefore important in green buildings. Many green building certificates are therefore putting high indoor environment quality (IEQ) and the most important subpoint indoor air quality (IAQ) at the front of their ratings83 Wei, W., Ramalho, O., & Mandin, C. Indoor air quality requirements in green building certifications. Building and Environment 92, 10-19 (2015). .

The modern people spend 90% of their time indoors. Bad air quality per Co2 is shown to have negative health effects. Therefore, it is relevant to improve the air quality for example in schools to stop the negative health effects84 Marques, G., et al. Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Systems for Enhanced Living Environments: A Review toward Sustainable Smart Cities. Sustainability 12(10) (2020). . Hybrid ventilations system have been shown to improve air quality and perceived health benefits85 Vornanen-Winqvist, C., et al. Effects of Ventilation Improvement on Measured and Perceived Indoor Air Quality in a School Building with a Hybrid Ventilation System. nt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 15(7) (2018). .

3.3.5 Smart green building

To achieve sustainability goals in modern times, it is needed to not already built green but also strengthen the quality of these buildings. One way to achieve that is with smart technology. Smart technology can help improve all the sustainable environmental measures like energy efficiency86 Xu, S., & Sun, Y. Research on Evaluation of Green Smart Building Based on Improved AHP-FCE Method. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021 (2021). .

Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are integral for good temperature and air quality in buildings. The problem with them is the strong energy need, they can need up to 50% of the total energy needs of a building87 Kararti, M. Energy Efficient Systems and Strategies for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) of Buildings. Journal of Green Building 3(1), 44-55 (2008). . Changing the way old HVAC systems work with a more hybrid approach can vastly improve performance. A study shows that switching to more variable fans and pumps can increased the energy efficiency by 38,9%88 Wang, X., et al. A review of carbon footprint reduction of green building technologies in China. Progress in Energy 5(3) (2023). .

Other technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) can help with managing the IT systems in the buildings. This is needed because of the rising demand for energy efficiency. The consumption of energy can be lowered by about 30% with the usage of IoT in buildings89 Kumar, A., et al. Secure and energy-efficient smart building architecture with emerging technology IoT. Computer Communications 176, 207-217 (2021). .

Water smart grid systems can help with water conservation by stopping different things, like leaks, quality issues and response to natural disasters. Using ICT technology in building water grids systems enables the observation and analyses of the performance of water grids. The application can help with water leaks and reduce water usage by 20%.

The upcoming AI technology can be incorporated into green buildings. Through the usage of AI and data mining the energy efficiency of buildings can be improved. Automating the lightning in buildings through sensors can for example reduce energy consumption by up to 7%90 Xiao, Z. Intelligence in Green Building: A Literature Review. Journal of Advanced Management Science 11(1), 19-26 (2023). .

3.3.6 Sustainable Materials

Sustainable materials are materials that are more sustainable because their usage is reducing the environmental footprint compared to other products like cement91 Mahmoudkelaye, S., et al. Sustainable material selection for building enclosure through ANP method. Case Studies in Construction Materials 9 (2018). . Products like aerogel are such sustainable materials. Aerogel is an upcoming product that has different applications. It can help with insulation. The usage of aerogel in wall insulation showed that even old houses can reach modern day standards with it. It is even economically beneficially to use it and a growing product on the market92 Koebel, M., Rigacci, A., & Achard, P. Aerogel-based thermal superinsulation: an overview. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 63, 315-339 (2012). .

Bamboo is another sustainable material. Because of the fast-growing nature of Bamboo, it can easily satisfy the demand without exploitation of the environment. It can be used as material for scaffolds or as material for the building itself. Because of its nature it is more Co2 efficient than other conventional materials93 Manandhar, R., Kim, J., & Kim, J. Environmental, social and economic sustainability of bamboo and bamboo-based construction materials in buildings. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 18(2), 49-59 (2019). .

3.3.7 Sustainable Transportation

Energy and resource conservation in construction is underlined by transporting the goods for it. The significant number of resources and energy consumed by transportation can be made more sustainable. A tool to achieve that is the State Sustainable Transportation Performance (SSTP) matrix94 Naganathan, H., & Chong K. W. Evaluation of state sustainable transportation performances (SSTP) using sustainable indicators. Sustainable Cities and Society 35, 799-815 (2017). .

A method for sustainable transportation is the green highway make transit of materials more sustainable, in building the road with less environmental impact. Green highways better the road life cycle and use recycling materials. The implementation of green highways has the potential to significantly reduce Co2 emissions95 Bryce M. J. Developing Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure. (2018). .

Changing city design to accommodate more sustainable transportation in residential areas can be done with the 15-minute city concept. The concept is trying to build a city in a way that a resident can reach everything important in 15 minutes with a bike. There are already first experiments to try this concept, but certain barriers like the individual nature of urban planning are hindering the implementation96 Khavarian-Garmsir, R. A., Sharifi, A., & Sadeghi, A. The 15-minute city: Urban planning and design efforts toward creating sustainable neighborhoods. Cities 132 (2023). . Another way to make residential transportation more sustainable is through the reduction of personal cars with car sharing and carpooling that can reduce the Co2 emissions by 20-40% compared to regular car ownership97 Nurhadi, L., Borén, S., & Larsson, T. Competitiveness and sustainability effects of cars and their business models in Swedish small town regions. Journal of Cleaner Production 140(1), 333-348 (2017). .

3.4 Social measures and strategies

Green Building is not only good for energy efficiency or other environmental factors, but it also improves the occupant’s health. A metric for showing these social and bodily well-being is important98 Allen, G. J., et al. Green Buildings and Health. Current Environmental Health Reports, 250-258 (2015). . One such tool or metric for showing the positive effects on the occupants of green building is the post occupant evaluation (POE) that analyses the awareness and satisfactions of green building occupants99 Kim, G. H., & Kim. S. S. Occupants’ Awareness of and Satisfaction with Green Building Technologies in a Certified Office Building. Sustainability, 12(5), 2109 (2020). .

Good Air quality shows the effect on the well-being of the residents in green buildings. People with illnesses and disabilities like asthma are less productive and more absent from work. Green building changes that. A study showed that green buildings can strengthen productivity and give firms up to thirty-eight work hours a year extra100 Singh, A., et al. Effects of Green Buildings on Employee Health and Productivity. Americal Journal of Public Health (2011). .

Decoration and renovation waste (DRW) recycling can help lessen environmental impact. The main group responsible for this type of waste are homeowners, it is therefore needed to strengthen awareness about the practices of recycling for this to work. Advocacy campaigns and supplying economic support can help in achieving better awareness for these practices101 Wen., X., Ding. Z., & Yuan, C. Decoration and Renovation Waste Recycling Intention of Homeowners: A Perceived Value Perspective. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. CRIOCM 2022, 823-839 (2023). .

There is a need for more diversity in the real estate and construction sectors. A study in Malaysia showed that there are few women in boards in real estate firms. Getting more Woman onto these boards not only help with diversity but is also helpful for the performance of the firm as a whole102 Amran, A. N., Abdullah, Z., & Ishak, R. Gender Diversity and Ownership Structure of Malaysian Firms in the Real Estate Sector. The Journal of Social Sciences Research 6, 915-923 (2018). .

Another method for more social sustainability in the real estate sector is green spaces. Green spaces are parks and other green places in urban and residential areas. Green spaces can have significant social and psychological benefits (Link to the natural environment group) for users and nearby residents.

4 Drivers and Barriers

In the following chapter, the drivers for more sustainability are introduced and discussed, as well as their counterparts, the barriers. For this purpose, industry-specific drivers and barriers have been identified. Moreover, the attempts made by companies to overcome these challenges are highlighted. Furthermore, an endeavour is made to classify the presented aspects into internal and external factors affecting the enterprises. By the end of this chapter, the reader will have gained an overview of the key industry-specific drivers and barriers for promoting sustainability in the Real Estate & Construction sector.

Figure 2: Overview of drivers and barriers of sustainability in real estate and construction (own illustration)

4.1 Drivers

Real estate and construction companies in the industry are driven by various firm-internal factors to embrace sustainability practices. These drivers foster a culture of responsible development and contribute to positive change within the sector.

Green Building Rating Systems: Firms seek industry-specific green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) as an example103 Newsham, G. R., Mancini, S. & Birt, B. J. Do LEED-certified buildings save energy? Yes, but…. Energy and Buildings, 41(8), 897-905 (2009). 104 Cole, R. J. & Valdebenito, M. J. The importation of building environmental certification systems: international usages of BREEAM and LEED. Building Research & Information, 41(6), 662-676 (2013). . The LEED green building rating system promotes an integrated design approach with a point system that awards points for building design features that improve sustainability, which includes reducing energy consumption and improving indoor space quality103 Newsham, G. R., Mancini, S. & Birt, B. J. Do LEED-certified buildings save energy? Yes, but…. Energy and Buildings, 41(8), 897-905 (2009). . Many more certification programs can be named, which cannot all be listed here. It is important to know that these certifications do not only lead to more sustainability and that some studies also criticize this105 Sánchez Cordero, A., Sergio Gómez M. & Andújar Márquez J. M. Green building rating systems and the new framework level (s): A critical review of sustainability certification within Europe. Energies 13(1), 66 (2019). . Pursuing these certifications proves a company’s dedication to sustainable building practices and differentiates them as leaders in environmentally conscious construction. As this wiki article discussed the industry integrates energy-efficient technologies and practices into their projects. From incorporating LED lighting to implementing smart HVAC systems and energy monitoring tools, these initiatives like Green Building Rating Systems, Sustainable Design Guidelines and Construction standards aim to minimize energy consumption and perfect operational efficiency and will drive to more sustainability within the sector106 Darko, A., et al. Influences of barriers, drivers, and promotion strategies on green building technologies adoption in developing countries: The Ghanaian case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 200, 687-703 (2018). . The development of sustainability guidelines, such as INREV, provides a framework for assessing and measuring sustainability performance in the real estate and construction sector107 Bond, S. & Perrett, G. The key drivers and barriers to the sustainable development of commercial property in New Zealand. Journal of sustainable real estate 4(1), 48-77 (2012). .

Government Incentives: Environmental regulations and policies set by governments can incentivize real estate and construction firms to adopt sustainable practices through tax benefits, grants, and compliance requirements. Those investments can create tangible cost reduction and can improve the internal rate of return on green investments108 Goubran, S., Masson T. & Caycedo, M. Evolutions in sustainability and sustainable real estate. Sustainable Real Estate: Multidisciplinary Approaches to an Evolving System, 11-31 (2019). . The availability of green financing options and grants, such as the KFW loan in Germany, further encourages sustainable projects109 Griffith-Jones, S. National development banks and sustainable infrastructure; the Case of KfW. (2016). . Political and financial incentives, such as tax deductions or credits for implementing energy-efficient systems and renewable energy sources, provide additional motivation for firms to embrace sustainability 110 Pitt, M., et al. Towards sustainable construction: promotion and best practices. Construction innovation 9(2), 201-224 (2009). 111 Häkkinen, T. & Belloni, K. Barriers and drivers for sustainable building. Building Research and Information, 39(3), 239–255 (2011). . Politics plays a crucial role as a driver for greater sustainability. In addition to the tax benefits, they can also make the construction of sustainable buildings mandatory and, for example, require that an energy efficiency standard be met in new buildings 112 Ametepey, O., Aigbavboa C. & Ansah, K. Barriers to successful implementation of sustainable construction in the Ghanaian construction industry. Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1682-1689 (2015). 113 Zhang, Q., Oo, B. L. & Lim, B.T.H. Drivers, motivations, and barriers to the implementation of corporate social responsibility practices by construction enterprises: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210, 563–584 (2019). 114 Darko, A., Zhang, C. & Chan, A.P.C. Drivers for green building: A review of empirical studies. Habitat International, 60, 34–49 (2017). . Initiatives such as the Paris Agreement further emphasize the industry’s role in combating climate change115 Lenkovets, O. M., Kirsanova, N. Y. & Maksimov, S. N. Implementation of the Paris climate agreement in construction and maintenance of buildings. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 17, 463-470 (2017). 116 Pitkälä, R. Sustainability strategies in real estate investment after the Paris Climate Agreement. (2020). .

Ecological movement: Most emissions in the sector occur in the construction industry as mentioned before. Therefore, construction companies are trying to implement various waste reduction and recycling programs to minimize landfill waste and promote responsible waste management117 Yin, B. C. L. et al. An evaluation of sustainable construction perceptions and practices in Singapore. Sustainable cities and society 39, 613-620 (2018). 118 Chan, A. P. C., Darko, A. & Ameyaw, E.E. Strategies for promoting green building technologies adoption in the construction industry—An international study. Sustainability 9(6), 969 (2017). .

Companies are also moving in a similar direction by aiming to use sustainable materials and more renewable resources. Sustainable sourcing of materials helps reduce the overall environmental impact of the industry and encourages the use of eco-friendly products. These are the clear environmental factors driving the push for more sustainability in the industry: the long-term goal of generating better returns from sustainable construction due to climate change, thereby securing survival in the market. This is mentioned for example by Gou119 Gou, Z., Lau S. S. L. & Prasad, D. Market readiness and policy implications for green buildings: case study from Hong Kong. Journal of green Building 8(2), 162-173 (2013). . Due to the potential in the sector, literature like Comstock also explores the potential for employment growth associated with the adoption of more sustainable buildings.120 Comstock, M. Importance of green buildings stressed by business and industry at UN Climate Negotiations. US Green Building Council: Washington, DC, USA (2013).

Technological progress: Due to technological progress, there are also technological drivers towards more sustainability. At this point, for example, the use of Building Information Modeling programs (BIM) can be mentioned, with which planning can be supported by computer and thus also contribute to the reduction of costs and errors as well as the improvement of performance in sustainability in general121 Mellado, F. & Lou, E. Building information modelling, lean and sustainability: An integration framework to promote performance improvements in the construction industry. Sustainable cities and society 61 (2020). . Munyasya notes that the government should continue to invest in research to bring technological advances to the industry122 Munyasya, B. M. & Chileshe, N. Towards sustainable infrastructure development: Drivers, barriers, strategies, and coping mechanisms. Sustainability 10 (12) (2018). .

Stakeholders’ awareness: Investors and stakeholders increasingly prioritize sustainability considerations, influencing real estate companies to align their practices with environmental and social responsibility123 Pitt, M. et al. Towards sustainable construction: promotion and best practices. Construction innovation 9(2), 201-224 (2009). 124 Abidin, N. Z. & Powmya, A. Perceptions on motivating factors and future prospects of green construction in Oman. Journal of Sustainable Development 7(5), 231-239 (2014). . This growing awareness among stakeholders emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and the desire to contribute to societal well-being through sustainable real estate and construction125 Klufallah, M., Ibrahim I. S. & Moayedi F. Sustainable practices barriers towards green projects in Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 220(1) (IOP Publishing, 2019). .

Financial benefits: Growing public awareness and demand for sustainable buildings can encourage developers to incorporate eco-friendly features to attract tenants and maintain high occupancy rates126 Marsh, R. J., A. C. Brent & I. H. De Kock. An integrative review of the potential barriers to and drivers of adopting and implementing sustainable construction in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 31(3), 24-35 (2020).. Zhang mentioned that sustainable properties often experience higher rental and resale values due to the increasing demand for environmentally conscious buildings from tenants, investors, and customers113 Zhang, Q., Oo, B.L. & Lim, B.T.H. Drivers, motivations, and barriers to the implementation of corporate social responsibility practices by construction enterprises: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 210, 563–584 (2019). .

Company image and reputation: Another point that can lead companies to more sustainability in construction is reputation and image. This is also related to the increased awareness of society. According to Serpell et. al., green building can therefore also be understood as a marketing measure by companies127 Serpell, A., Kort J. & Vera, S. Awareness, actions, drivers and barriers of sustainable construction in Chile. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 19(2), 272-288 (2013). . This also contributes to the fact that companies want to stand out from competitors who have done little in terms of sustainability. Serpell et al. thereby establishes a clear link between the type of construction and the competitiveness of companies127 Serpell, A., Kort J. & Vera, S. Awareness, actions, drivers and barriers of sustainable construction in Chile. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 19(2), 272-288 (2013). .

Overall, many different drivers for more sustainability have been presented. Companies can influence some drivers themselves (e.g., company image, technological progress, stakeholder awareness), while other drivers are controlled externally (Green Building Rating Systems, government incentives).

4.2 Barriers

Just as real estate and construction companies are driven by certain factors to adopt sustainable practices, there are also significant barriers that impede the widespread integration of such practices. These barriers, stemming from a variety of sources, present challenges that impede the advancement of responsible development and the realization of positive transformative effects within the industry. The most important barriers are now presented below.

Lack of Information: The lack of information, knowledge, and ability related to sustainable building practices can hinder the successful implementation of sustainability initiatives and was cited in Darko’s literature review as the most important global barrier to green building implementation128 Darko, A. & Chan, A. Review of barriers to green building adoption. Sustainable Development 25(3), 167-179 (2017) . To overcome this barrier, the government has a mandate to supply proper information on sustainable construction and close this lack of information. The provision of education through, for example, new courses of study can also ensure that more knowledge is generated. As a practical example, the Jade Hochschule offers the module “Accompanying the energy transition in the construction industry” and thus creates awareness and knowledge129 Source and further information: https://www.jade-hs.de/unsere-hochschule/fachbereiche/bauwesen-geoinformation-gesundheitstechnologie/bauwesen/forschung-und-praxis/nachhaltige-quartiersplanung/ . The use of BIM systems can also help to set up a reasonable knowledge management130 Kivits, R. A. & Furneaux, C. BIM: Enabling sustainability and asset management through knowledge management. The Scientific World Journal 2013 (2013). .

Cost Concerns: The main economic barrier cited in the literature is cost concerns, which can affect in many ways and are now described.Wilson and Rezgui mentioned that the construction industry continues to be constrained by narrow financial margins, so that this results in economic concerns taking precedence over sustainability goals131 Wilson, I. E. & Rezgui, Y. Barriers to construction industry stakeholders’ engagement with sustainability: Toward a shared knowledge experience. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 19(2), 289-309 (2013). . Sustainable construction is more time-consuming than traditional construction132 Yee, H. C., Radzi, I. & Jing, K. T. The barriers of implementing green building in Penang construction industry. Progress in Energy and Environment, 1-10 (2020). . Due to the time pressure placed on the industry by its stakeholders, this can also be seen as a barrier. This relates both to the actual construction itself, as well as to the entire process of obtaining information. In a quantitative survey, Marker et. al. found that 50% of the companies surveyed saw the difficult transition to greater sustainability on the one hand and the low return on investment on the other as barriers133 Marker, A. W., Mason, S. G. & Morrow, P. Change Factors Influencing the Diffusion and Adoption of Green Building Practices. Perform. Improve. 26, 5–24 (2014). . Financial impediments, discernible across diverse dimensions, have similarly been found within the alternative sector under scrutiny, namely, the realm of construction industry, as showed by scholarly inquiries such as the investigation conducted by Sourani & Sohail134 Sourani, A. & Sohail M. Barriers to addressing sustainable construction in public procurement strategies. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability. 164. No. 4. (2011). , among others. Also, in the category of economic barriers can be seen the long payback period for green projects which was mentioned in many articles126 Marsh, R. J., Brent A.C. & De Kock, I. H. An integrative review of the potential barriers to and drivers of adopting and implementing sustainable construction in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(3), 24-35 (2020). 135 Serpell, A., Kort, J. & Vera, S. Awareness, actions, drivers and barriers of sustainable construction in Chile. Technological and Economic Development of Economy 19(2), 272-288 (2013). 125 Klufallah, M., Ibrahim, I. S. & Moayedi, F. Sustainable practices barriers towards green projects in Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 220(1) (IOP Publishing, 2019). . To overcome this barrier, Shari and Soerbato suggest that the government should supply effective incentives and disincentives136 Shari, Z. & Soebarto, V. Delivering sustainable building strategies in Malaysia: Stakeholders’ barriers and aspirations. International Journal of Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice 5(2), 3-12 (2012). . There is also a conflict of interest between landlord and tenant. The landlords invest in sustainable buildings, but the tenant’s benefit as a result, for example through lower energy and water costs107 Bond, S. & Perrett, G. The key drivers and barriers to the sustainable development of commercial property in New Zealand. Journal of sustainable real estate 4(1), 48-77 (2012). .

            Resistance to Change: Resistance from employees or management to adopt new sustainable practices can hinder progress toward sustainability goals.134 Sourani, A. & Sohail, M. Barriers to addressing sustainable construction in public procurement strategies. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability. 164(4) (2011). 137 Jaramillo, A. J., Sossa, J. W. Z. & Mendoza, G. L. O. Barriers to sustainability for small and medium enterprises in the framework of sustainable development—Literature review. Business Strategy and the Environment 28(4), 512-524 (2019). Further, Markov et. al. notes that the “difficulty of conversion was consistently cited as a barrier “133 Marker, A.W., Mason, S. G. & Morrow, P. Change Factors Influencing the Diffusion and Adoption of Green Building Practices. Perform. Improve. 26, 17 (2014). . Sourani addresses several barriers in the construction industry. Resistance to change can exist at all levels of an organization: from clients and production to the supply chain. Often, there are issues within management leading to a lack of committed leadership. Resistance to Change for more Sustainability can be seen an internal and external barrier and it takes places in both industry sectors: real estate and construction138 Abubakar, M. et al. Contractors’ perception of the factors affecting Building Information Modelling (BIM) adoption in the Nigerian Construction Industry. Computing in civil and building engineering, 167-178 (2014). . When talking about resistance to change, cultural resistance can also be addressed, which may lead to a lack of demand from customers, which of course then also influences the offer139 Ametepey, O., Aigbavboa, C. & Ansah, K. Barriers to successful implementation of sustainable construction in the Ghanaian construction industry. Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1682-1689 (2015). .

Lack of Green Building codes and regulations: Level(s) intends to improve building sustainability within the EU region and comes at time of maturity but confusion. Several GBRSs have already been set up with thousands of assessments already provided, but their processes are not the same. Usually, this supplies confusion to stakeholders, which slows down the spread of the sustainability process105 Sánchez Cordero, A., Sergio Gómez M. & Andújar Márquez J. M. Green building rating systems and the new framework level (s): A critical review of sustainability certification within Europe. Energies 13(1), 66 (2019). . Marker et al. also wrote that a “limitation of standards is one of the serious barriers in the external factor of green building development” which is still a problem in today’s world133 Marker, A.W. Mason, S.G & Morrow, P. Change Factors Influencing the Diffusion and Adoption of Green Building Practices. Perform. Improve. 26, 5–24 (2014). .This is also mentioned in a Case Study by Häkkinen111 Häkkinen, T. & Belloni, K. Barriers and drivers for sustainable building. Building Research & Information 39(3), 239-255 (2011). . Developing a standardized certification program is a complex endeavor due to the substantial diversity in building typologies, as highlighted by Marker. In addition, Häckinen wrote that there is a “lack of information, methods and tools in tendering processes”111 Häkkinen, T. & Belloni, K. Barriers and drivers for sustainable building. Building Research & Information 39(3), 239-255 (2011). .

Lack of Government Support and Incentives: The counterpart, effective incentives, was cited as an important driver for greater sustainability. In contrast, a lack of sensible incentives to encourage sustainable construction was cited in many cases128 Darko, A. & Chan, A. P. C. Review of barriers to green building adoption. Sustainable Development 25(3), 167-179 (2017). 140 Darko, A. et al. Influences of barriers, drivers, and promotion strategies on green building technologies adoption in developing countries: The Ghanaian case. Journal of Cleaner Production 200, 687-703 (2018). 125 Klufallah, M., Ibrahim I. S. & Moayedi, F. Sustainable practices barriers towards green projects in Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 220(1) (IOP Publishing, 2019). . The government is called upon here to build reasonable programs and implement them over a long-term time horizon so that companies and stakeholders have planning security. In lower-income countries, other factors in the government environment, such as political uncertainty or corruption in the construction industry, play a key role 141 Ogunsanya, O. A., Aigbavboa C. O., Thwala, D. W & Edwards, D. J. Barriers to sustainable procurement in the Nigerian construction industry: an exploratory factor analysis. International Journal of Construction Management 22(5), 861-872 (2022). . This was discussed for Nigeria by Ogunsanya et. al. To this end, it should also be noted that access to sustainable real estate and building practices may be limited for marginalized communities, leading to social inequalities142 Raiden, A. & King, A. Social value, organisational learning and the sustainable development goals in the built environment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 172 (2021). . This should be seen as a social barrier. Another social barrier was identified by Kamranfar et. al143 Kamranfar, S. et al. Analyzing green construction development barriers by a hybrid decision-making method based on DEMATEL and the ANP. Buildings 12(10) (2022). . They wrote that green building can be considered as luxury building. This often comes from the general perception that green building means more expensive building144 Toriola-Coker, L. O. et al. Sustainability barriers in Nigeria construction practice. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1036 (1) (IOP Publishing, 2021).

Technological barriers: At the technology level, Marsh et al. notes three main barriers in the literature: the limited availability of green suppliers, materials, and precisely technologies126 Marsh, R. J., Brent A. C. & De Kock, I. H. An integrative review of the potential barriers to and drivers of adopting and implementing sustainable construction in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 31(3), 24-35 (2020). . A lack of databases and information for green technologies and a lack of adequate green technology specifications126 Marsh, R. J., Brent A. C. & De Kock, I. H. An integrative review of the potential barriers to and drivers of adopting and implementing sustainable construction in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 31(3), 24-35 (2020). can also be named as a lack of trust into new and unproven technology128 Darko, A. & Chan A. P. C. Review of barriers to green building adoption. Sustainable Development 25(3), 167-179 (2017). . To overcome this technological barrier, BIM and BIM-based tools can play a key role, as already described in the chapter Drivers111 Häkkinen, T. & Belloni, K. Barriers and drivers for sustainable building. Building Research & Information 39(3), 239-255 (2011). . In this regard, Häckinen notes that for the successful use of BIM, it is essential to create processes and develop methods that make it possible to collect and process environmental information during design, construction, and operation111 Häkkinen, T. & Belloni, K. Barriers and drivers for sustainable building. Building Research & Information 39(3), 239-255 (2011). .


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