Authors: Marlen Jirschitzka, Felix Danneil, Clara Strehle, Jessica Foppe
Last updated: October 2nd 2023
1 Definition and Relevance
1.1 Definition
Mining and mining products
Mining is commonly defined as “the activity, occupation, and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals”1 Hartman, L. H., & Mutmansky, M. J.: Introduction to mining. In L. H. Hartman & M. J. Mutmansky (Eds.): Introductory mining engineering, 2, 1-21 (2002), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken (New Jersey).As cited by Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). . The mining and metal sector’s products consist of minerals and metals with a broad variety of applications.

Fig. 1 Mining products (by group) (own design, based on 3 According to Kesler, S., & Simon, A., Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. (2015), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139871426 )
Iron, steel and ferroalloys are a group of metals related to steel making. Ferroalloys are metals of which small amounts are added to steel to adjust its characteristics for different applications. Metals that are not related to steel production are also referred to as non-ferrous metals. Technology elements are called like that because first and foremost they are critical for technological applications. Precious metals and gems are mined particularly for their perceived value. Industrial minerals include almost all minerals that are not metals or energy minerals. They are used in agriculture and the chemical- and building industry3 Kesler, S., & Simon, A., Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. (2015), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139871426 .
Mining process
Traditionally there are two main categories of mining, which are underground mining and open-pit mining (also: opencast mining, surface mining). In the case of open-pit mining, the extraction of ore from rock bodies takes place on the surface of the earth, while underground mining is a practice of extracting ore underground, without removing the earth layers above1 Hartman, L. H., & Mutmansky, M. J.: Introduction to mining. In L. H. Hartman & M. J. Mutmansky (Eds.): Introductory mining engineering, 2, 1-21 (2002), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken (New Jersey). As cited by Qudrat-Ullah, H., & Panthallor, P. N.: Operational Sustainability in the Mining Industry. (2021), Springer: Singapore. . More recent developments in mining techniques are exploring less environmentally harmful forms of resource extraction, including solution mining (leaching) as a less invasive method3 Kesler, S. E., Simon, A. C.: Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. 2nd edition (2015), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. , as well as landfill- and urban mining as parts of a closed-loop metal cycle5 Chand, S., Ranjan Rout, P., & Pathak, P.: Basic Concepts, Potentials, and Challenges of Urban Mining. In Pathak, P., & Ranjan Rout, P: Urban Mining for Waste Management and Resource Recovery; Sustainable Approaches. 1-16 (2022), Boca Raton: CRC Press. . Other technological developments are targeted to new sources, like deep sea mining6 Sharma, R.: Approach towards Deep-Sea Mining: Current Status and Future Prospects. In Sharma, R.: Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining: Sustainability, Technology, Environmental Policy and Management. 13-52 (2022), Switzerland: Springer Nature. and space mining7 Badescu, V., Zacny, K., & Bar-Cohen, Y.: Handbook of Space Resources. (2023), Springer International Publishing. .
Furthermore, mining and metal production operations can be distinguished by scale. Small, low capital- and rather labor-intensive mining operations are referred to as artisanal and small-scale-mining (ASM), which takes place in different forms of organization, and in sizes of about 4-10 people in a working group, with respectively up to 300 people per organizational unit8 OECD: OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. 3rd edition, (2016), OECD Publishing: Paris. .
Mining projects generally follow a sequence known as the project cycle9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). :

Fig. 2 Project Cycle (own design, based on 9 according to Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). )
Closure involves transformation support for communities and workers and the implementation of treatment facilities and monitoring systems. Post-closure means the long-term run of treatment and monitoring and necessary maintenance9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). .
Similarly, the production of commodities usually also comprises certain phases and operations, referred to as product cycle, as depicted below9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). :

Fig. 3 Product Cycle (own design, based on 9 according to Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). )
1.2 Economic Importance
Contribution to GDPs
When revising literature and especially comparing different statistics and numbers, one must always be aware that the metals and mining industry might be defined differently by different authors, for example, including or excluding fossil fuels. The contribution of the metals and mining sector has been changing quite a lot during the last decades: The global mineral production at the mine stage contributed about 0.6% to global GDP in 1996, went up to 1.9% in 2011 and has then decreased to 1.2% in 201610 Ericsson, M. & Löf, O.: Mining’s contribution to national economies between 1996 and 2016. Miner Econ, 223–250, 10.1007/s13563-019-00191-6 (2019). . In 2014, mining and mineral processing accounted on average for 3-10% of national GDPs11 Jain, R. K.: Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing. In R. K. Jain, Z. Cui, & J. K. Domen (Eds.): Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing. Management, Monitoring, and Auditing Strategies, 1-15 (2016), Elsevier. . When including reuse and recycling, metal processing was equivalent to 11% of the EU’s GDP. A widely used indicator for the importance of the industry for a nation’s economy is the Mining Contribution Index (MCI). The MCI includes multiple indicators like export contribution and change in contribution, production value in relation to GDP, and mineral rent in relation to GDP12 ICMM: Mining Contribution Index. 6th Edition(2022). .
The recent volatility in the 2022 MCI can be explained, among other factors, by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that had very different impacts in different economies12 ICMM: Mining Contribution Index. 6th Edition(2022). . In terms of different metals, gold has by far the biggest impact on a country’s MCI10 Ericsson, M. & Löf, O.: Mining’s contribution to national economies between 1996 and 2016. Miner Econ, 223–250, 10.1007/s13563-019-00191-6 (2019). . The way the MCI is calculated strongly reflects a country’s dependence on the mining sector. Therefore, countries with less diversified economies will rank highly even if they are not producing high volumes11 Jain, R. K.: Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing. In R. K. Jain, Z. Cui, & J. K. Domen (Eds.): Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing. Management, Monitoring, and Auditing Strategies, 1-15 (2016), Elsevier. . In the last years, China and Australia have been the biggest contributors to global mining production while China has also been very important for global metal and mineral demand10 Ericsson, M. & Löf, O.: Mining’s contribution to national economies between 1996 and 2016. Miner Econ, 223–250, 10.1007/s13563-019-00191-6 (2019). . Nevertheless, even when looking at longer time frames, low- and middle-income countries are the ones who are most economically dependent on mining12 ICMM: Mining Contribution Index. 6th Edition(2022). .
Value and volume per year
In 2022, the global aluminium, iron and steel, precious metals, minerals, coal and base metal industry grew by 12.8%, reaching a value of USD $5,799,354.1 million, with iron and steel contributing 58.4% to the industry’s total value. The same year the industry volume grew by 4% to a level of 12,456,508.6 thousand metric tons13 MarketLine: Global Metals & Mining (2023). . Based on a wider definition of the industry, the world mining production has been estimated to have been 9.6 billion metric tons in 1985, 11.3 billion metric tons in 2000 and 17.2 billion metric tons in 2020. The same source provides data on total mining production and change in production for different continents14 Reichl, C., Schatz, M. & MASOPUST, A.: World Mining Data 2022 (2022). :
Table 1 Total mining production and change in production for continents (own design, based on14 Reichl, C., Schatz, M. & MASOPUST, A.: World Mining Data 2022 (2022). )
Continent | Share of total global production 2020 | Δ 2000/2020 change in production rates |
Asia | 59.8% | +104.1% |
North America | 15.4% | +13.8% |
Oceania | 7.3% | +142.4% |
Europe | 6.8% | -33.0% |
Latin America | 5.5% | +4.7% |
Africa | 5.2% | +16.2% |
In the last years, most important for the generation of value were coal, iron, ore and gold10 Ericsson, M. & Löf, O.: Mining’s contribution to national economies between 1996 and 2016. Miner Econ, 223–250, 10.1007/s13563-019-00191-6 (2019). .
Number of corporations
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) made up close to 50% of the global mining production in the 1980s and declined towards 28% in the 2010s, of which almost one third were owned by China. Based on data from the mid-2010s, an estimation expected around 25,000 companies active in the mining industry (excluding several commodities, a,o. oil and gas) operating in about 140 countries. Producing mines were roughly 56%, while 44% were active in exploration. Of these 25,000 companies, 650 were responsible for three-quarter of global production9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). . When including petroleum and natural gas, the number increases significantly: In this case, for example the EU alone counts about 17,500 companies with approximately 413,000 employees15 Janikowska, O. & Kulczycka, J.: Impact of minerals policy on sustainable development of mining sector – a comparative assessment of selected EU countries. Mineral Economics, 305–314; 10.1007/s13563-021-00248-5 (2021). .
Much of the economic importance of the metals and mining industry comes from its critical role in the transition towards a low carbon economy9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). . The potential effects of a big increase in future demand are explained in more detail in chapter 4.2. In any case the metals and mining industry’s development will have a significant impact on the entire economy 16 Moritz, T., Ejdemo, T., Söderholm, P. & Wårell, L.: The local employment impacts of mining: an econometric analysis of job multipliers in northern Sweden. Mineral Economics, 30, 53–65, 10.1007/s13563-017-0103-1 (2017). 17 Manley, R. L., Alonso, E. & Nassar, N. T.: A model to assess industry vulnerability to disruptions in mineral commodity supplies. Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2022.102889 (2022). 18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). , and will play a crucial role as an enabler for a greener economy19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). .
2 Sustainability impact and measurement
2.1 Environmental impact
2.1.1 Mining products as essential components for a sustainable future
Mining plays a central role for achieving sustainable development. For example, metals and minerals are connected to the achievement of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals20 Franks, D. M., Keenan, J. & Hailu, D.: Mineral security essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nat Sustain, 6, 21–27, 10.1038/s41893-022-00967-9 (2023). . From an environmental perspective, the positive impact is mostly related to climate change mitigation. As already stated in the previous chapter, mining products are essential components of low-carbon technologies. For example, so-called energy transition metals are needed for renewable energy production, which is essential to limit global warming21 Lèbre, É. et al.: The social and environmental complexities of extracting energy transition metals. Nature communications, 11, 4823, 10.1038/s41467-020-18661-9 (2020). . However, mining is also connected to many negative impacts, both from an environmental and social point of view. With the latter being discussed in part 2.2.2, the former will be presented in the next sections.
2.1.2 Negative impact of mining operations and processes
As mining and processing operations vary between different metal and mineral resources, the same applies to their environmental impacts. Moreover, impacts related to a specific metal or mineral also significantly differ over time and location of its sourcing and processing, which makes environmental impacts of mining a complex issue22 Schenker, V., Kulionis, V., Oberschelp, C. & Pfister, S.: Metals for low-carbon technologies: Environmental impacts and relation to planetary boundaries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133620, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133620 (2022). . Nevertheless, from an overarching perspective, some more general findings regarding the environmental impacts can be drawn. Before presenting these, two more aspects should be highlighted: First, the mining sector is characterized by a particularly high-risk related to the potential for disastrous accidents and catastrophes with severe consequences22 Schenker, V., Kulionis, V., Oberschelp, C. & Pfister, S.: Metals for low-carbon technologies: Environmental impacts and relation to planetary boundaries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133620, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133620 (2022). as, for example, the failure of the Brumadinho tailings dam in Brazil in 2019, which resulted in enormous waves of mud that spread over several kilometers and caused many people’s death23 Silva Rotta, L. H. et al. The 2019 Brumadinho tailings dam collapse: Possible cause and impacts of the worst human and environmental disaster in Brazil. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 90, 102119; 10.1016/j.jag.2020.102119 (2020). . Second, another feature of the sector, which sets it apart from other industries, is the long time horizon, as mining projects as well as their environmental impacts often cover extended time periods of several decades or even centuries9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606, 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). .
Land use and biodiversity
Mining occupies large areas of land. An estimation based on satellite data from 2019 indicates that more than 100,000 km2 are covered by large- and small-scale mining sites as well as related dams, dumps, ponds and processing plants24 Maus, V. et al.:An update on global mining land use. Scientific data, 9, 433, 10.1038/s41597-022-01547-4 (2022). . Over the past two decades, the extraction of metals and minerals has rapidly increased and expanded especially into regions with high biodiversity, such as tropical forests25 Luckeneder, S., Giljum, S., Schaffartzik, A., Maus, V. & Tost, M.: Surge in global metal mining threatens vulnerable ecosystems. Global Environmental Change, 69, 102303, 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102303 (2021). . Mining impacts biodiversity via different ways and at multiple scales: On the one hand, it causes habitat loss at the mining site. On the other hand, it also degrades or fragments habitats on a regional level due to the construction of infrastructure and the discharge of physical or chemical mining waste26 Sonter, L. J., Ali, S. H. & Watson, J. E. M.: Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in conservation science. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 285, 10.1098/rspb.2018.1926 (2018). . This has long-term consequences: Even though there are measures for renaturation of mining sites (see 3.1.1), it is very demanding and often not possible to restore mining areas to their native state27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. .
Energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
The extraction and processing of metals and minerals causes a significant share of global GHG emissions. For instance, in 2016, manufacturing of iron and steel caused 7.2% of global GHG emissions, while non-ferrous metals and clinker production accounted for 0.7% and 3%28 Ritchie, H., Roser, M. & Rosado, P.: CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Published online at Available at (2020). . One relevant source of emissions is the high use of energy that often stems from fossil fuels22 Schenker, V., Kulionis, V., Oberschelp, C. & Pfister, S.: Metals for low-carbon technologies: Environmental impacts and relation to planetary boundaries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133620, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133620 (2022). . An overview of energy sources and energy-consuming processes is provided in Figure 4. Next to emissions from energy use, another important type of GHG emissions from mining are fugitive emissions of methane that emerge from the mineral deposits themselves29 Liu, L.-y. et al.:Mitigation of greenhouse gases released from mining activities: A review. Int J Miner Metall Mater, 28, 513–521, 10.1007/s12613-020-2155-4 (2021). . In 2016, fugitive emissions from coal, oil and gas were responsible for 5.8% of global GHG emissions28 Ritchie, H., Roser, M. & Rosado, P.: CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Published online at Available at (2020). .

Fig. 4 Non-exhaustive overview of energy sources and energy consuming operations in mining and mineral processing (own design, based on 30 Azadi, M., Northey, S. A., Ali, S. H. & Edraki, M.: Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation. Nat. Geosci, 13, 100–104, 10.1038/s41561-020-0531-3 (2020). 31 Jiuju, C. & Kuangdi, X.: Energy for Metallurgy, Types of. In K. Xu (Eds.): The ECPH Encyclopedia of Mining and Metallurgy. 1-2, (2022), Springer Nature Singapore: Singapore. ).
Water use and pollution
Regarding water, the mining sector causes environmental impacts via both water consumption and water pollution. On a global level, water use in mining is relatively small, especially when compared to other sectors such as agriculture22 Schenker, V., Kulionis, V., Oberschelp, C. & Pfister, S.: Metals for low-carbon technologies: Environmental impacts and relation to planetary boundaries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133620, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133620 (2022). . However, water is a local issue, which is particularly relevant against the background that mining is often located in water-scarce areas32 Luukkanen, S., Tanhua, A., Zhang, Z., Mollehuara Canales, R. & Auranen, I.: Towards waterless operations from mine to mill. Minerals Engineering, 187, 107793, 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107793 (2022). . At the local level, the mining sector is a big consumer of water and its consumptive water use, meaning water that is not returned to the original water body, can cause significant impacts22 Schenker, V., Kulionis, V., Oberschelp, C. & Pfister, S.: Metals for low-carbon technologies: Environmental impacts and relation to planetary boundaries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 372, 133620, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.133620 (2022). .
Furthermore, water often is contaminated during mining and mineral processing due to contact with mining waste or chemicals. If this wastewater runs off without being treated, it pollutes soils and natural water bodies33 Raghavendra, N. S. & Deka, P. C.: Sustainable Development and Management of Groundwater Resources in Mining Affected Areas: A Review. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 598–604, 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.06.061 (2015). . One of the most harmful and widespread environmental impacts of mining is acid mine drainage (AMD, also called acid rock drainage). AMD is a complex process of chemical reactions, simply put it is caused by oxidation of sulphide minerals that are contained in metallic ores or coalbeds34 Sahoo, P. K., Kim, K., Equeenuddin, S. M. & Powell, M. A.: Current approaches for mitigating acid mine drainage. Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 226, 1–32, 10.1007/978-1-4614-6898-1_1 (2013). . When these are exposed to air and water, they form an acidic solution that severely affects surface water streams and groundwater33 Raghavendra, N. S. & Deka, P. C.: Sustainable Development and Management of Groundwater Resources in Mining Affected Areas: A Review. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 598–604, 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.06.061 (2015). .
Waste generation
Mining produces huge amounts of different wastes: From waste through surface clearing for open pits (overburden) or waste rocks from mines (gangue), over waste from extraction processes (tailings) to metallurgical wastes from smelters (slag) – almost every stage of the material processing generates waste35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A.: Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management, 304, 114239, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). (also see Figure 5). The amount of waste per amount of retrieved metal or mineral varies for the different elements of interest. As an example, copper minerals constitute less than 1% by weight of the extracted material35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A.: Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management 304, 114239, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). . The global area that is covered with mining wastes is estimated to be around 1,000 km2 annually36 Sudbury, M. P.: Dimensions of Global Mining Waste Generation and Water Use. In M. Kalin-Seidenfaden, & W. N. Wheeler (Eds): Mine Wastes and Water, Ecological Engineering and Metals Extraction, 9-15, (2022), Springer International Publishing, Cham. .

Fig. 5 Examples of material processing steps and generated wastes (own design, based on 35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A.: Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management, 304, 114239, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). )
Waste from mining is mostly hazardous waste. Thus, it creates a relevant risk factor, not only at the time of mining operations but also long after the closure of mines, as uncontrolled deposition of mining waste can lead to long-term damages of ecosystems27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. .
2.2 Social impact
2.2.1 Positive contribution to socio-economic development
It is worth mentioning that the mining sector can contribute positively to social sustainability under certain conditions. Most notably, mining operations can function as catalysts for the local economy by elevating income levels, generating tax revenues and offering employment opportunities18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). 37 McMahon, G., & Moreira, S.: The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic and Human Development. Extractive Industries for Development Series #30, (2014), The World Bank. . A study on the socio-economic impact of Newmont’s Ahafo gold mine in Ghana, for example, found that it produced about 48,000 direct and indirect jobs in Ghana, while every job in the Ahafo mine created 28 jobs elsewhere38 Kapstein, E., & Kim, R.: The Socio-Economic Impact of Newmont Ghana Gold Limited., Stratcomm Africa: Haarlem. . However, the employment impacts of mining are highly region-specific and depend on, for instance, the size of the region and existing industrial structure39 Moritz, T., Ejdemo, T., Söderholm, P., & Wårell, L.: The local employment impacts of mining: an econometric analysis of job multipliers in northern Sweden. Miner Econ, 30, 53-65, 10.1007/s13563-017-0103-1 (2017). . Moreover, companies can promote the development of local communities by, for example, providing education and skill training, investing in local infrastructure or improving access to health services18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . This will be further addressed in section 3.2.1.
2.2.2 Negative impacts on human communities and human rights
Although there is some potential for the mining sector to contribute positively to social sustainability, negative impacts prevail. The most concerning social aspects are related to the use of land, and environmental impacts that affect human health and human rights18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). .
Competition over the use of land
Land competition can arise when a mining company wants to develop a new project in an area on which the local community depends to maintain their livelihood and wellbeing18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . For example, mining operations can compete with other sectors like agriculture or tourism27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau . However, land is often used by mining companies without agreement of indigenous peoples, which leads to land expropriation, displacement and resettlement18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Consequences are the erosion of traditions and cultures, as well as negative economic impacts, especially when no alternative sources of income are available27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . Furthermore, relocation often results in situations where indigenous people lose their land, job, home, and access to common resources40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . Therefore, it has high potential for conflict27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . Frameworks and planning to balance and manage different interests of involved parties are often missing40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. .
Environmental consequences
It is important to understand that there is a direct link between environmental and social impacts of mining. Since local communities, in particular indigenous populations, often depend directly on natural resources like water, land and functioning ecosystems, environmental impacts that detrimentally affect these resources also always have negative social consequences27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . For example, the pollution of groundwater, caused by wastewater from tailings dams in China, resulted in crop failures and the resettlement of farming communities41 Bontron, C.: Rare-earth mining in China comes at a heavy cost for local villages. The Guardian, (2012). . Moreover, environmental impacts can also affect human health both directly (e.g. by toxic or carcinogenic effects) or indirectly18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . For instance, the mining of cobalt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) caused severe mineral contamination of air, water and soil, leading to adverse health impacts for miners and surrounding communities42 Banza Lubaba Nkulu, C. et al.: Sustainability of artisinal mining of cobalt in DR Congo. Nature Sustainability, 1, 495-504, (2018). .
Poor working conditions
Due to its unique risks, the mining sector is characterized by a dangerous working environment43 Hebblewhite, B.: Mine safety – through appropriate combination of technology and management practice. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1, 13-19, 10.1016/j.proeps.2009.09.005 (2009). . For example, workers are affected by accidents, falling rocks and landslides27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . However, considerable disparities exist in terms of job security, wages, and working conditions depending on the type of company and category of workers. While, for example, the salary of foreign workers recruited on the international market lies between USD $6,000 and USD $25,000 per month, permanent unskilled workers in the copper mining sector in the DRC earn only USD $100 to USD $200 per month and need to rely on credit and informal activities next to their job. What is more, women are not well represented in the mining sector, and those who are employed often find themselves in lower-ranking positions, suffer from discrimination and do not have the same opportunities as men44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). 45 Segerstedt, E., & Abrahamsson, L.: Diversity of livelihoods and social sustainability in established mining communities. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6, 610-619, (2019). 18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). .
While industrial mining companies can provide permanent employment, high salaries, and good labor environments, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is characterized by poor working conditions including extended work hours, substandard health and safety conditions, irregular income and low wages44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). . Artisanal miners often work in hazardous settings within manually excavated mines, which are at risk to collapse, and face heightened exposure to heavy mineral contamination46 Tsurukawa, N., Prakash, S., & Manhart, A.: Social impacts of artisanal cobalt mining in Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo. (2011), Öko-Institut e.V.: Freiburg. . Moreover, child labor is pervasive, with around 40,000 children under the age of 15 estimated to work in artisanal cobalt mines47 Amnesty International: This is what we die for: human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo power the global trade in cobalt. (2016), Amnesty International: London. . It is important to mention, however, that ASM constitutes an important source of income for many households with an estimated number of more than 100 million people being dependent on artisanal and small-scale mining48 N.N.: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, (2023). .
Inequality and conflicts
The risks, costs and benefits coming from mining are often distributed inequitably which enforces income inequality and can trigger social tensions49 Kemp, D., Owen, J. R., Gotzmann, N., & Bond, C. J.: Just Relations and Company-Community Conflict in Mining. Journal of Business Ethics, 101, 93-109, 10.1007/s10551-010-0711-y (2011). 18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . While the host communities are confronted with many of the costs and risks, like resettlements or increased water scarcity9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). 18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). , benefits from mining often only reach a minority such as company shareholders, political authorities and local elites44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). . Mechanisms to track this distribution are often missing9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). .
In the context of mining the term “resource curse” is widely used and describes the phenomenon that natural resource wealth does not generally lead to expected benefits, but instead has adverse impacts on a country’s economic, social or political well-being44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). 50 Ross, M. L.: What Have We Learned about the Resource Curse? Annual Review of Political Schience, 18, 239-59, 10.1146/annurev-polisci-052213-040359 (2015). . Indeed, NGOs have reported negative consequences of industrial mining projects with respect to poverty alleviation44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). . What is more, poverty can even increase, if the local community loses their traditional means of livelihood and if governments do not reinvest revenues from mining18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). .
If the mining activity, however, does not lead to the expected advantages, conflicts can occur51 Söderholm, P., & Svahn, N.: Mining, regional development and benefit-sharing in developed countries. Resources Policy, 45, 78-91, (2015). . These especially arise between mining companies and artisanal miners44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). , for example, because of the removal of ASM from the company’s mining area, or because the socio-economic situation of company workers improves while the one of artisanal miners remains insecure52 Wall, E.: Working Together: How large-scale mining can engage with artisanal and small-scale miners. (2010), ICMM, IFC CommDev, CASM. .
Migration flows
A new mining project usually leads to migration flows to the mining area18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Since most workers are male, this can cause a gender imbalance in communities accompanied by psychological or behavioral problems, such as alcoholism, drug addiction or prostitution45 Segerstedt, E., & Abrahamsson, L.: Diversity of livelihoods and social sustainability in established mining communities. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6, 610-619, (2019). 18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Moreover, migration flows can cause major socio-economic and cultural changes27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau and have the potential to weaken social unity18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Inflation and rising accommodation costs can also occur18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). .
Conflict minerals
Conflict minerals are minerals that are mined in areas of armed conflict and human rights abuses, for example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This applies to the minerals tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, which are important components in various consumer products such as automotives, electronics or jewelry. By extracting and trading conflict minerals companies can fuel and finance armed conflicts, human rights violations and environmental degradation in the regions where they are sourced53 Hofmann, H., Schleper, M. C., & Blome, C.: Conflict Minerals and Supply Chain Due Diligence: An Exploratory Study of Multi-tier Supply Chains. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(1), 115-141, (2018). .
Violation of human rights
Violation of human rights can be found throughout the mining sector. Especially the lack of stakeholder inclusion and the non-involvement of indigenous communities constitute great challenges. In fact, indigenous people’s rights are frequently not respected, and mining activities can have negative impacts on cultural and aesthetic resources18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Moreover, working practices in the mining sector such as child labor are linked to human rights abuses44 Rubbers, B.: Mining Boom, Labour Market Segmentation and Social Inequality in the Congolese Copperbelt. Development and Change, 51(6), 1555-1578, 10.1111/dech.12531 (2019). , and various forms of discrimination take place at the workplace, for example, against women, disabled or ethnic minorities18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . What is more, safety problems can have adverse impacts on local communities, for instance, explosive can cause damages to homes18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). .
3 Sustainability strategies and measures
3.1 Environmental strategies and measures
The serious impacts described in the previous section emphasize the need for comprehensive sustainability strategies and measures in the mining sector. Regarding environmental impacts, a variety of technologies and measures to increase the sustainability of mining exist and are constantly developed further. Nevertheless, even with improved practices, the extraction of metals and minerals from the natural environment will continue to have a destructive character54 Dold, B.: Sustainability in metal mining: from exploration, over processing to mine waste management. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 7, 275–285, 10.1007/s11157-008-9142-y (2008). 55 Fuisz-Kehrbach, S.-K. A three-dimensional framework to explore corporate sustainability activities in the mining industry: Current status and challenges ahead. Resources Policy, 46, 101–115, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2014.10.009 (2015). . Furthermore, metals and minerals are non-renewable, finite resources. Therefore, the following chapter will on the one hand present technologies and measures that decrease the environmental impact of mining operations (see 3.1.1.), but on the other hand also look at processes and tools for a more sustainable resource management that will reduce the overall necessity of mining from natural sites (see 3.1.2.).
3.1.1 Improving the environmental sustainability of mining operations
Biodiversity protection and land management
As the destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems through human activities is one of the major causes of biodiversity loss, mining companies should seek to minimize land disruption and disturbance of natural areas. In its strictest sense, this involves the decision to not establish an operation site in areas that are particularly sensitive or valuable from an environmental or social point of view, also referred to as “no go” zones56 Miranda, M., Chambers, D. & Coumans, C.: Framework for Responsible Mining: A Guide to Evolving Standards. Center for Science for Public Participation, 2005. . If a site is going to be established, mine designers and operators should engage in baseline monitoring, i.e. collect data on existing biodiversity and identify critical risks to it. Based on this information, risk levels and respective methods for mitigation can be developed and implemented57 Jain, R. K., Cui, Z. “C.” & Domen, J. K.: Mitigation Measures and Control Technology for Environmental and Human Impacts. In Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing, 35, 229-269, (2016),Elsevier. .
A possible measure to compensate for unavoidable impacts, which is frequently applied by mining companies, is conservation banking. This method is based on the principle of permanently protecting a certain land area as a conservation site for listed species “in exchange” for the disruption of habitat at the mining site57 Jain, R. K., Cui, Z. “C.” & Domen, J. K.: Mitigation Measures and Control Technology for Environmental and Human Impacts. In Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing, 35, 229-269, (2016),Elsevier. . However, conservation banking is a controversial tool, because biodiversity is very difficult to quantify and measure. Thus, it remains questionable whether the protected area provides an equivalent to the lost site and whether the application of offsetting is actually effective57 Jain, R. K., Cui, Z. “C.” & Domen, J. K.: Mitigation Measures and Control Technology for Environmental and Human Impacts. In Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing, 35, 229-269, (2016),Elsevier. .
Next to its importance during the planning and operation of a mine, engaging in responsible land management is also essential during the closure and post-closure phase. In this context, different concepts can be distinguished, a.o. reclamation, revegetation, rehabilitation and restoration. Reclamation is a broad term that refers to processes that reconvert the affected land to its former or an alternative productive use58 Young, R. al.:International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites. Restoration Ecology, 30, 1, 10.1111/rec.13771 (2022). . More concretely, revegetation relates to covering closed sites with plants or other vegetative covers58 Young, R. al.:International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites. Restoration Ecology, 30, 1, 10.1111/rec.13771 (2022). . Rehabilitation targets actions to reinstate a functioning ecosystem on degraded sites, aiming for ecosystem service provision. However, this does not have to imply that the original native ecosystem is recovered, which is the more sophisticated goal of restoration58 Young, R. al.:International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites. Restoration Ecology, 30, 1, 10.1111/rec.13771 (2022). 59 Dales, K. & Cordy, P.: Goal 15. Mining and Life on Land. In Mining, Minerals and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2030 and Beyond.,149–170. .
A practical example for closure and post-closure management can be given by the Tallering Peak, an iron ore mine site operated by the Australian company Mount Gibson Iron. Before the site was established, the land was vegetated by native shrubs and used as pasture for goats. For reclamation to its former use, the impacted area was revegetated with native species, with diversity and cover being comparable to the original ecosystem. Importantly, revegetation was practiced in a progressive and subsequent manner over several years, enabling timely rehabilitation. Furthermore, measures were tailored to specific sections such as the open pits, infrastructure, and waste disposals. Within a timeframe of ten years, the company achieved to reinstate 98% of the area60 Manero, A., Standish, R. & Young, R.: Mine completion criteria defined by best-practice: A global meta-analysis and Western Australian case studies. Journal of environmental management, 282, 111912, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111912 (2021). .
Emission reduction
Companies can apply a variety of strategies to reduce their emissions. One pathway is the reduction of emissions related to energy: Regarding the fact that mining activities often use energy produced by combustion of fossil fuels, a shift to energy from renewable resources such as solar, wind and geothermal energy provides an important step to decrease GHG emissions30 Azadi, M., Northey, S. A., Ali, S. H. & Edraki, M.: Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation. Nat. Geosci., 13, 100–104, 10.1038/s41561-020-0531-3 (2020). . Furthermore, a relevant strategy is to reduce energy demand through efficiency measures. For example, optimized blasting technologies or more efficient grinding may significantly lower energy use61 Gorman, M. R. & Dzombak, D. A.: A review of sustainable mining and resource management: Transitioning from the life cycle of the mine to the life cycle of the mineral. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 137, 281–291, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.06.001 (2018). . Moreover, recovering energy from excess heat is another measure for companies to reduce their GHG emissions19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). .
Next to this, cleaner production technologies provide a second pathway for emission reduction. In this context, a successful technology innovation was achieved by ELYSIS, a Canadian enterprise established as a joint venture of the two mining companies Alcoa and Rio Tinto, who developed a carbon free technology for smelting aluminium62 Shrivastava, P. & Vidhi, R. Pathway to Sustainability in the Mining Industry: A Case Study of Alcoa and Rio Tinto. Resources 9, 70; 10.3390/resources9060070 (2020). . More precisely, they replaced carbon anodes, which are traditionally used in aluminium smelting, with newly developed materials that do not react during the process. This allows to eliminate all GHG emissions from the smelting process, while pure oxygen is emitted instead63 ELYSIS. FAQ: What is the ELYSIS™ technology and how does it work? Available at . According to the company’s website, a full adoption of the technology in Canada could reduce annual GHG emissions by around seven million metric tons64 ELYSIS. What is ELYSIS? Available at .
With regard to fugitive emissions, release of methane can efficiently be reduced through targeted drainage. Besides decreased release into the atmosphere, this comes with the benefit of improving mine safety65 Liu, L.-y. et al. Mitigation of greenhouse gases released from mining activities: A review. Int J Miner Metall Mater 28, 513–521; 10.1007/s12613-020-2155-4 (2021).. Moreover, improved combustion technologies provide further technical tools to reduce emissions30 Azadi, M., Northey, S. A., Ali, S. H. & Edraki, M. Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation. Nat. Geosci. 13, 100–104; 10.1038/s41561-020-0531-3 (2020)..
Water management
Several strategies and measures exist to reduce the water footprint of mining companies, both quantitatively and qualitatively. To conserve water resources, (fresh-)water consumption can be decreased through efficiency measures as well as reuse and recycling of wastewater66 World Economic Forum. Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, 2016. . The implementation of closed systems in production can significantly lower the impact on natural water sources. This may be illustrated by the example of the Sossego Mine in Brazil, which is a copper mine operated by the Brazilian corporation Vale. At the site, water reuse amounts to 99% of the water used in production processes, resulting in yearly savings of approx. 900,000 m3 of water that was previously extracted from the nearby river.67 Toledano, P. & Roorda, C.: Leveraging Mining Investments in Water Infrastructure for Broad Economic Development: Models, Opportunities and Challenges. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment: New York. 68 VALE. Sustainability Report 2012. Available at
Next to wastewater, using untreated or desalinated sea water is a common practice among mining companies, and it is expected that the use of seawater in mining will continue to increase.67 Toledano, P. & Roorda, C.: Leveraging Mining Investments in Water Infrastructure for Broad Economic Development: Models, Opportunities and Challenges. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment: New York. 69 Toro, al.:Use of Alternative Water Resources in Copper Leaching Processes in Chilean Mining Industry—A Review. Metals 12, 445; 10.3390/met12030445 (2022). However, certain trade-offs need to be considered regarding the desalination and pumping of seawater: On the one hand, seas and oceans provide a secure and unlimited supply of water whose use may reduce unsustainable exploitation of local surface streams or aquifers.70 Cacciuttolo, C. & Valenzuela, F. Efficient Use of Water in Tailings Management: New Technologies and Environmental Strategies for the Future of Mining. Water 14, 1741; 10.3390/w14111741 (2022). On the other hand, desalination requires high amounts of energy, causes high costs and depending on how the salt is disposed, it may be damaging to the environment71 Karimidastenaei, Z., Avellán, T., Sadegh, M., Kløve, B. & Haghighi, A. T.: Unconventional water resources: Global opportunities and challenges. The Science of the total environment 827, 154429; 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154429 (2022). . Moreover, long distance infrastructure is needed to transport the water to the mine or plant67 Toledano, P. & Roorda, C.: Leveraging Mining Investments in Water Infrastructure for Broad Economic Development : Models, Opportunities and Challenges. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment: New York. , which may cause further disruption of natural landscapes.
Moreover, the implementation of non-aqueous processing technologies provides a further mechanism to decrease water consumption. Available technologies for dry separation are based on physical differences between minerals and the ore they are embedded in. This includes, for example, gravity separation, where mineral particles are stratified or grouped by vibrating, shaking, sliding or using air with methods such as shaking tables, dry spirals or air fluidized beds32 Luukkanen, S., Tanhua, A., Zhang, Z., Mollehuara Canales, R. & Auranen, I.: Towards waterless operations from mine to mill. Minerals Engineering 187, 107793, 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107793 (2022). . Another field of waterless operations is solvometallurgy, which constitutes a leaching technology for dissolving and recovering metals, where water is replaced by organic solvents. Though this method comes with the benefits of minimized water consumption as well as the circumvention of wastewater, it nevertheless has an environmental impact. Accordingly, it has to be considered that in some cases dry processing may cause higher carbon emissions, which depends, for example, on the solvents used instead of water. Furthermore, possibilities to recycle and reuse degraded solvent liquids need to be improved32 Luukkanen, S., Tanhua, A., Zhang, Z., Mollehuara Canales, R. & Auranen, I.: Towards waterless operations from mine to mill. Minerals Engineering 187, 107793, 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107793 (2022). .
Regarding water quality and the protection of water resources, processes to treat contaminated, often highly acidic water as well as measures to prevent contact with natural surface or groundwater play an important role57 Jain, R. K., Cui, Z. “C.” & Domen, J. K.: Mitigation Measures and Control Technology for Environmental and Human Impacts. In Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing, 35, 229-269, (2016),Elsevier. . This applies especially with regard to acid mine drainage (AMD): Since water is the general transport medium for contaminants, water flows need to be controlled to prevent and mitigate AMD. This involves both controlling outflows from as well as inflows into the mine72 Akcil, A. & Koldas, S.: Acid Mine Drainage (AMD): causes, treatment and case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14, 1139–1145, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.09.006 (2006). . Though treatment of AMD is possible and very common, it is a complicated and expensive process. For this reason, preventing and mitigating AMD by inhibiting sulfide oxidation at source present the more rational strategy for companies34 Sahoo, P. K., Kim, K., Equeenuddin, S. M. & Powell, M. A. Current approaches for mitigating acid mine drainage. Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology, 226, 1–32, 10.1007/978-1-4614-6898-1_1 (2013). .
Waste management
Since it is practically not possible to prevent the generation of waste during mining processes,35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A.: Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management, 304, 114239, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). it is essential to implement responsible waste management measurements, both for the short and long term. A first important step is to prevent the migration of waste into the environment. Therefore, waste rock and tailings should be safely stored, with barriers installed to prevent leaching57 Jain, R. K., Cui, Z. “C.” & Domen, J. K.: Mitigation Measures and Control Technology for Environmental and Human Impacts. In Environmental Impact of Mining and Mineral Processing, 35, 229-269, (2016),Elsevier. . Applied techniques include, for example, physical barriers between the ground and the stored waste, multi-layer coverings as weather protection, and biological methods such as phytostabilization35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A.: Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management 304, 114239, 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). . This method uses plants, mostly trees, which are planted on tailings to accumulate and stabilize pollutants near their roots73 Jawadand, S. & Randive, K. A: Sustainable Approach to Transforming Mining Waste into Value-Added Products. In Innovations in Sustainable Mining. Balancing Environment, Ecology and Economy, 1–20. .
Besides a safe disposal, a further strategy to manage mining waste is to consider it as a potential resource for further use73 Jawadand, S. & Randive, K. A Sustainable Approach to Transforming Mining Waste into Value-Added Products. In Innovations in Sustainable Mining. Balancing Environment, Ecology and Economy, 1–20. . As an example, tailings are often used as additives to cement, which yields several benefits: first and straightforwardly, it allows to save cement. Secondly, depending on the characteristics of the tailings used, it may improve the cement’s resistance to water, frost and thawing35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A. Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management 304, 114239; 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). . Moreover, flotation waste may be used as a source to recover valuable elements such as cooper, zinc or lead, though it must be taken into account that this can create new waste that is even more complicated to manage35 Kalisz, S., Kibort, K., Mioduska, J., Lieder, M. & Małachowska, A. Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas – A review. Journal of environmental management 304, 114239; 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114239 (2022). .
Nevertheless, retrieving metals that are currently locked up in tailings, slags or dusts will be an important strategy in the transition towards a more sustainable mining sector. Even though residues from mining may not be fully avoided, a “near-to-zero”-approach may be aspired by valorising formerly unwanted by-products, which may then be considered as secondary raw materials74 Spooren, J. et al. Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 160, 104919; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104919 (2020). . Therefore, new metallurgical technologies are employed at varying applications fields and scales to enable the extraction of metals from mining wastes. One of these technologies is bioleaching, which is based on the use of microorganisms that facilitate the dissolution of metals from sulphite ores. In addition to its applicability for the recovery of metals from secondary materials, it can generally be considered as a more environmentally friendly version compared to other metallurgical methods, which are often energy- and chemical-intensive74 Spooren, J. et al. Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 160, 104919; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104919 (2020). .
3.1.2 Sustainable resource management of metals and minerals
Considering mining wastes as secondary resources, as described in the previous section, already provides an important step towards a more sustainable resource management of metals and minerals. However, the principle of focusing on the resources themselves goes beyond this and includes the whole lifecycle of products, including their use and end-of-life phase75 Gorman, M. R. & Dzombak, D. A. A review of sustainable mining and resource management: Transitioning from the life cycle of the mine to the life cycle of the mineral. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 137, 281–291; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.06.001 (2018). . Hereby, a more systemic perspective of metals and minerals within society is encompassed, involving the concept of circularity of resources, which significantly reduces environmental impacts from material processing75 Gorman, M. R. & Dzombak, D. A. A review of sustainable mining and resource management: Transitioning from the life cycle of the mine to the life cycle of the mineral. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 137, 281–291; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.06.001 (2018). .
Achieving sustainability in the use of resources requires the adoption of new or revised business models that valorise each stream of materials74 Spooren, J. et al. Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 160, 104919; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104919 (2020). . In this regard, two important concepts are landfill mining and urban mining. Landfill mining relates to the recovery of materials deposited in waste dumps or landfills (not only mining wastes, but also other wastes)76 Krook, J. & Baas, L. Getting serious about mining the technosphere: a review of recent landfill mining and urban mining research. Journal of Cleaner Production 55, 1–9; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.04.043 (2013). . The approach of urban mining is to recover secondary materials from anthropogenic stocks that have been but are no longer part of the ongoing material cycle. According to its name, it is sometimes specifically referred to the area within city borders76 Krook, J. & Baas, L. Getting serious about mining the technosphere: a review of recent landfill mining and urban mining research. Journal of Cleaner Production 55, 1–9; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.04.043 (2013). .
However, incomplete value chains of secondary materials can be a barrier to urban mining that needs to be overcome74 Spooren, J. et al. Near-zero-waste processing of low-grade, complex primary ores and secondary raw materials in Europe: technology development trends. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 160, 104919; 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104919 (2020). . In this context, an innovative tool is the online platform Madaster, which registers and documents materials and products used in the built environment, providing information on how the embedded resources can be reused77 Madaster Germany GmbH. Our purpose. Available at . A pilot project of creating a construction materials cadaster involving Madaster is currently being implemented in the German city of Heidelberg78 Stadt Heidelberg. Bergbau in der Stadt: Heidelberg wird Europas erste kreislauffähige Kommune. Pilotprojekt „Circular-City-Heidelberg“ auf dem Greentech-Festival in Berlin vorgestellt. Available at (2022). .
3.2 Social strategies and measures
In terms of social responsibility, it is important for metals and mining companies to build strong relationships with their stakeholders to maintain their social license to operate. Since local communities and employees belong to the most important stakeholders of mining companies19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). , and simultaneously are strongly impacted by the negative social consequences of mining activities, strategies concerning social sustainability should address these two groups.
3.2.1 Local communities
Respecting rights of indigenous peoples
In most countries the law does not require that indigenous peoples or other population groups need to be consulted when mining companies want to develop a project that will affect them. In these cases, companies should respect the principle of “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” (FPIC) to protect indigenous people’s rights79 N.N.: Ensuring fair constructive partnerships with Indigenous Peoples. ICMM, . Situations of uncertain or disputed customary land claims must be identified before the company undertakes any activities on that land. Moreover, companies should perform extensive social baseline and impact assessment studies to identify human rights concerns80 Anaya, J. S., Evans, J., & Kemp, D.: Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) within a human rights framework: Lessons from a Suriname case study, (2017), RESOLVE FPIC Solutions Dialogue: Washington DC. .
Besides, companies should adapt their decision-making processes to the cultural circumstances of indigenous peoples40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . For example, it needs to be accepted that indigenous communities might not share certain information like sacred knowledge with the company80 Anaya, J. S., Evans, J., & Kemp, D.: Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) within a human rights framework: Lessons from a Suriname case study, (2017), RESOLVE FPIC Solutions Dialogue: Washington DC. . A good example for promoting engagement with indigenous peoples is the “Global Center for Indigenous Community Relations” of the mining company Newmont. The center’s goal is to be a source of dialogue, collected knowledge and shared experiences, while setting a focus on partnerships and learning networks, respect for customs and culture, as well as opportunities for indigenous people81 N.N.: Newmont Launches the Global Center for Indigenous Community Relations. Newmont, (2021). .
When negotiating the use of land of the potential mining area, all groups that are likely to be directly affected by the outcome need to be included40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . If the local population consents to the mining project, the company should commit itself to mitigate any negative impact of its activity, pay a fair compensation and offer benefit-sharing options that consider indigenous peoples’ land and resource rights. Compensation can include, for example, equity shares, royalty payments and community development funds that are owned and governed by the community80 Anaya, J. S., Evans, J., & Kemp, D.: Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) within a human rights framework: Lessons from a Suriname case study, (2017), RESOLVE FPIC Solutions Dialogue: Washington DC. . If resettlement takes place, the company must ensure that the relocated people can maintain their living standards and that social ties are not destroyed. Therefore, roles and responsibilities need to be defined and monitored to ensure the long-term well-being of resettled communities40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . The mining company Glencore, for example, invested USD $6 million into the relocation, expansion and improvement of a local school as part of the relocation of 120 families from rural Tweefontain to Phola township82 N.N.: Investing in South Africa. ICMM, (2018). .
Community development
Companies can engage in community development in various ways. For example, they can employ locals, support local businesses, and adopt preferential procurement policies towards local suppliers and distributors40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . Moreover, mining companies often invest in19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). or share their infrastructure such as railways, roads, and power and water supply with the local community83 nomic Forum: Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, (2016). . The Antofagasta Minerals’ Minera Los Pelambres mine, for example, works together with the Choapa River Surveillance Board to enhance the irrigation infrastructure on which the region’s farmers depend on84 N.N.: Promoting economic development through sustainable stewardship. ICMM, (2018). . Companies can also engage in health programs40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . The mining company South 32, for instance, cooperates with the Machado Joseph Disease Foundation to fight this inherited neurodegenerative disorder by funding a local MJD Foundation headquarters, and paying for medical equipment, physiotherapy and enhancements in providing services to remote communities85 N.N.: Ensuring fair and constructive partnerships with Indigenous Peoples. ICMM, (2018). .
Providing skills training and education is another important tool for supporting the local community40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . The mining company Teck, for example, has a partnership with the UN Women Originaria program in which they try to empower indigenous women in Northern Chile. This is done by offering courses on topics such as network building, business leadership and mentoring plans86 N.N.: UN Women and Teck Extend Partnership to Empower More Indigenous Women in Chile. Financial Post, (2022). . Moreover, companies can offer scholarships and internships, and cooperate with universities and research institutions19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). . It is also important that companies train local communities for long-term sources of sustainable income other than mining83 CCSI, UNDP, SDSN, & The World Economic Forum: Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, (2016). . In that manner, the global resource company MMG supported the development of over 43 fishing ponds in six local communities close to the Kinsevere copper mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A fish farming expert was consulted on the right methods and technical training was provided84 N.N.: Promoting economic development through sustainable stewardship. ICMM, (2018). .
In all cases, it is important that community engagement already begins at the exploration stage and that potential social benefits are also sustained once the mining project ends. Therefore, it is important that companies develop plans for continuous engagement during the mining project and that social aspects are integrated into mine closure planning. These plans should be discussed with the local community and should ask the question where the community wants to be after the project ends40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . To ensure that the mining company will adhere to the closure plan, it can provide a bond or financial guarantee. This way, it can be avoided that companies leave behind social costs40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. .
Dealing with conflicts
When mining companies operate in countries where access to justice is limited, or when current methods are insufficient or lack credibility, companies should develop and adopt dispute resolution mechanisms to deal with conflicts. The goal should be to bring different groups together in a neutral forum and develop mutually acceptable solutions. A balanced multi-stakeholder board could oversee the overall program40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . Moreover, a local-level dispute resolution mechanism should also address unequal power relationships and encourage participation of different parties in designing the mechanism49 Kemp, D., Owen, J. R., Gotzmann, N., & Bond, C. J.: Just Relations and Company-Community Conflict in Mining. Journal of Business Ethics, 101, 93-109 , 10.1007/s10551-010-0711-y (2011). . It is important to understand that mediation approaches will only be successful if all groups agree to meet. This is more likely to be the case when the mining company has already established an extensive stakeholder engagement process. Lastly, the dispute resolution process should be conducted by specialists who have knowledge and understanding of the local culture52 Wall, E.: Working Together: How large-scale mining can engage with artisanal and small-scale miners. (2010), ICMM, IFC CommDev, CASM. .
An example of a successful dispute resolution provides the mining company Corporacion Ananea S.A. In La Rincondada, Peru, there was a conflict over mineral rights with artisanal and small-scale miners which could be solved by the help of the donor agency, GANA Peru. The mediation process started with a series of roundtable meetings where the rules for the process were developed. After two years of negotiations an agreement was found which allowed the artisanal miners to buy shares of the mining company52 Wall, E.: Working Together: How large-scale mining can engage with artisanal and small-scale miners. (2010), ICMM, IFC CommDev, CASM..
Also beyond that, larger mining companies can cooperate with artisanal workers to avoid conflict and generate positive social impacts. For example, mining companies can establish technical assistance programs where they share their skills and expertise with artisanal miners to improve their working conditions. In a similar manner, companies can support the establishment of the organizational structure of artisanal workers. This is an important tool because it can help artisanal miners to get access to services such as finance or technical support that they would not qualify for as individuals. Another effective tool to benefit artisanal workers is to employ them as workers52 Wall, E.: Working Together: How large-scale mining can engage with artisanal and small-scale miners. (2010), ICMM, IFC CommDev, CASM. .
3.2.2 Employees
Decent working conditions
It should be self-evident that companies respect their worker’s rights by, for example, not employing child or forced labor, respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining87 Black, N., Clayton, H., Addy, M., & Martin, D.: Tools for Social Performance, (2022), ICMM. , providing secure working conditions, fair payment, and acceptable working hours40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . Especially in the mining sector occupational health and safety is an important area on which social strategies should be targeted. For example, risk assessments should be conducted19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). and workplace health and safety monitoring and reporting should be established83 CCSI, UNDP, SDSN, & The World Economic Forum: Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, (2016). .
An important tool for improving safety performance at the workplace is the implementation of technologies. For instance, the risk of accidents related to vehicles can be significantly reduced by advanced sensors, radars and cameras that provide real-time warnings to vehicle operators as well as pedestrians88 Holwill, B., & Duvenhage, M.: Safety Performance Report: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2022,, ICMM. . Moreover, the automation of processes, use of robots in critical situations, and remote operation centers (ROC) improve safety, by decreasing the number of operators that need to be present at hazardous sites89 Sánchez, F., & Hartlieb, P.: Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and a Case Study of the Challenges of Disruptive Innovation. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 37, 1385-1399, (2020). .
However, relying too much on technology can be risky. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize operational discipline and performance. Moreover, enhancing processes can also raise safety standards, for instance, by optimizing vehicle routing, defining precise protocols for vehicle movements, or implementing rigorous maintenance and inspection routines88 Holwill, B., & Duvenhage, M.: Safety Performance Report: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2022,, ICMM. . Regular safety trainings, for example, on the correct use of safety gear or the adherence to established procedures, are also important to reduce risks and foster a safety-oriented culture19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). 88 Holwill, B., & Duvenhage, M.: Safety Performance Report: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2022,, ICMM. . In general, it is essential that a safety strategy does not only focus on specific hazards but takes on a holistic perspective. Therefore, it should also consider broader organizational factors such as active involvement of employees, powerful communication, and training and education88 Holwill, B., & Duvenhage, M.: Safety Performance Report: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2022,, ICMM. .
Competence building
To improve employee’s skills and thereby achieve a positive social impact, companies could adopt mandatory in-house training programs and review performance development on a regular basis to further improve employee’s skills and talent19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). . In doing so it is important that the acquired skills are transferable to other situations so that employees can still benefit from it when the operation closes. Training could focus, for example, on management skills83 CCSI, UNDP, SDSN, & The World Economic Forum: Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, (2016). , foreign languages or information technology software40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . Moreover, companies should sensitize their employees to local culture and traditions40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . The mining company South 32, for example, provides intensive cultural awareness training to facilitate the effective management of positive corporate-community interactions85 N.N.: Ensuring fair and constructive partnerships with Indigenous Peoples. ICMM, (2018). .
Empowering women
Due to the gender imbalance in the mining sector, special focus should lie on guaranteeing equal opportunities for women. This can be achieved, for instance, by ensuring equal compensation for all genders, elevating more women to visible leadership positions and adopting more flexible schedules for accommodating childcare. Moreover, companies should offer gender-specific personal protective equipment (PPE) which is often just designed for male proportions83 CCSI, UNDP, SDSN, & The World Economic Forum: Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, (2016). . What is more, companies should develop gender-specific policies that include strategies for recruiting women and developing their skills. These could be developed in cooperation with governments, trade unions and NGOs40 IIED, & WBCSD: Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development (MMSD), (2002), Earthscan: London. . The global mining group Rio Tinto, for example, has established a guide called “Why Gender Matters” for all employees with the goal to promote women’s engagement in community site activities and empower them in participating in community decisions90 Raufflet, E., Cruz, L. B., & Bres, L.: An assessment of corporate social responsibility practices in the mining and oil and gas industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84, 256-270, (2014). .
4 Drivers and Barriers
Factors that influence the sustainability of the mining sector will often have ambiguous effects as there are usually trade-offs between positive and negative impacts18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . It has also to be taken into account that changes within the metals and mining sector will likely impact surrounding sectors through forward and backwards linkages4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. .
4.1 Political
Governments are a very important player when it comes to a promoting and enforcing changes towards more sustainable business practices within the metals and mining sector4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. . Their role does include the balancing of economic, social and environmental interests that might at times be mutually exclusive9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). . Political drivers and barriers often come in form of standards which can be clustered into four main categories: There are normative global standards that are non-binding like e.g. UN declarations, legally binding standards like EU regulations, guidelines e.g. from the OECD or the ICMM, and there are voluntary initiatives like certificates or reporting standards27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. .
If standards are made mandatory, they will usually reach a significant impact in a short amount of time (Umwelt Bundesamt, S. 19). An often-cited example is the Dodd-Frank-Act that enforced due diligence in supply chains of companies listed on the US stock exchange27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . Similar standards within the EU did also bring substantial change to the metals and mining sector. It is important to know that not all minerals are included into the due diligence frameworks for supply chains in the US and EU stock markets91 Malan, S.: How to Advance Sustainable Mining (2021). .
Another area with room for improvement is the conflict financing through conflict minerals92 Franken, G., & Schütte, P.: Current trends in addressing environmental and social risks in mining and mineral supply chains by regulatory and voluntary approaches. Mineral Economics, 653–671, 10.1007/s13563-022-00309-3 (2022). . As mentioned in chapter 2.2.2 conflict minerals are a major issue in the metals and mining sector. A good example for an effective standard in this area is the Kimberly-Process which according to the EU managed to decline the trade with identifiable conflict diamonds from 15% to below 1% in 2003. This was achieved using a certification scheme based on minimum requirements and transparency that was implemented in 85 countries93 European Commission.: EU and the kimberley process. Supporting peace and development through the sustainable use of natural resources. (2021). . There do exist a few more mineral specific global standards like the Responsible Jewellery Council, the Conflict-Free Gold Standard, the Responsible Gold Guidance and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, but all in all there are still many (conflict) minerals that are traded without any global standard in place27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. .
Another topic of high importance regarding mining activities is the relationship between local communities, governing bodies and mining corporations. Especially looking at mining in Africa the UN convention on “Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources” led to significant loss of access to minerals previously used by local communities. In many cases local communities are barley included into the process of permitting mining operations. The goal of the convention was to enable countries that had been colonized to use the resources in their territory to the best interest of their citizens. In practice there have been and likely will be many conflicts between local communities and external parties trying to initiate mining activities in the region/area94 Debrah, A., & Mtegha, H.: Mining Law and Economic Policy. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022. . The issue of lacking community consultation, especially in developing countries, is also highlighted by the ISSD91 Malan, S.: How to Advance Sustainable Mining (2021). . But even in well developed countries like Germany the current laws and the way they are put into practice do often prioritize profit making interest of mining corporations and government actors instead of protecting local communities95 Umwelt Bundesamt: Mining law. (2021). .
All in all, the evaluation of policies and regulations is a very difficult task as effects are often hard to quantify and it is many times unclear how the sustainability of the metals and mining sector is impacted by new laws. While there are some examples where regulations e.g. regarding water discharge have led to more efficient water use96 Toledano, P., & Roorda, C.: Leveraging Mining-Related Water Infrastructure for Development. Models, Opportunities and Challenges. (2014). , often times there is simply a lack of data to determine the effectiveness of standards27 Rüttinger, L., & Scholl, C.: Responsible mining? Challenges, perspectives and approaches: Summary of the findings of the research project “Approaches to reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the production of metal raw materials (UmSoRess)”. (2017), UBA: Dessau-Roßlau. . Another barrier to the evaluation of sustainability is the use of very different indicators that can hardly be compared to each other18 Mancini, L. & Sala, S.: Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison of indicators frameworks. Resources Policy, 57,98–111, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.02.002 (2018). . Especially in the EU new standards are implemented in very different manners which can lead to different impacts of the same law/standard/directive97 European Commission: Study – Legal framework for mineral extraction and permitting procedures for exploration and exploitation in the EU (2017). e.g. the examination of the implementation of an EU-regulation regarding mining waste led to 22 investigations and two lawsuits for non-implementation98 European Commission: Bericht der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen (2016). .
As global political approaches are still very much lacking especially when it comes to enforcement91 Malan, S.: How to Advance Sustainable Mining (2021). a carbon tax would be an approach that promises a strong positive impact on sustainability in and outside the metals and mining sector while also being economically beneficial to the sector99 Cox, B., Innis, S., Kunz, N. C. & Steen, J.: The mining industry as a net beneficiary of a global tax on carbon emissions. Commun Earth Environ, 10.1038/s43247-022-00346-4 (2022). . Other areas that are currently lacking and would positively impact the sustainability of the mining sector are standards on risk assessment and new approaches to stakeholder management92 Franken, G., & Schütte, P.: Current trends in addressing environmental and social risks in mining and mineral supply chains by regulatory and voluntary approaches. Mineral Economics, 653–671, 10.1007/s13563-022-00309-3 (2022). .
4.2 Economic
A clear and very effective driver for sustainability is a business case. The health and safety of employees for example is directly correlated with their efficiency100 Qudrat-Ullah, H., & Panthallor, P. N.: Operational Sustainability in the Mining Industry. (2021), Springer: Singapore. 101 Li, F.: Unearthing conflict. Corporate mining, activism, and expertise in Peru. (2015), Duke University Press: Durham, London. . In addition to maintaining or even boosting the productivity of the workforce sustainable mining corporations are more attractive for investors. This might be due public scrutiny and because corporations that are operating sustainably are usually up to par with newest technology4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. . In a study by McKinsey a grand majority of investors (82%) were in favor of mandatory sustainability reports102 United Nations Environment Programme: Sustainability Reporting in the Mining Sector. Current Status and Future Trends (2020). , which further proves the point that sustainability is crucial for investors. It is expected that sustainable development within mining companies will boost overall economic performance by lowering e.g. labor and production costs103 Laurence, D.: Establishing a sustainable mining operation: an overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278–284, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.08.019 (2011). .
Unfortunately for sustainability enthusiasts there is also a strong economic incentive to shorten the lifespan of products. On the demand-side consumers do also tend to shorten the time of use of products that contain metals and or other mining products104 Dominish, E. et al.:“Slowing” and “Narrowing” the Flow of Metals for Consumer Goods: Evaluating Opportunities and Barriers. Sustainability, 1096, 10.3390/su10041096 (2018). . This practice is a clear barrier for sustainability. Some sources with insight into the metals and mining sector argue that mines are price-takers meaning that they will be seeking minimization of their costs103 Laurence, D.: Establishing a sustainable mining operation: an overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278–284, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.08.019 (2011). . This might be hindering change towards sustainability as new sustainability measures can, at least short term, be cost intensive.
Another area that can act as an economic driver for sustainability are markets for scarce goods and resources used by the mining sector. A paper related to water use in the mining sector finds that were very effective in minimizing the water intensity of mining activities. On the other hand, it has also been observed that market solutions could reinforce and at times augment existing inequalities between market participants. The same paper also suggests that it can be sustainable and beneficial for all parties if mining companies are co-financing water infrastructure together with local governments or suppliers96 Toledano, P., & Roorda, C.: Leveraging Mining-Related Water Infrastructure for Development. Models, Opportunities and Challenges. (2014). .
The efforts to transform the economy into a low-carbon green economy are widely predicted to lead to great increases in demand for metals and mining products99 Cox, B., Innis, S., Kunz, N. C. & Steen, J.: The mining industry as a net beneficiary of a global tax on carbon emissions. Commun Earth Environ, 10.1038/s43247-022-00346-4 (2022). 102 United Nations Environment Programme: Sustainability Reporting in the Mining Sector. Current Status and Future Trends (2020). 105 Watari, T. et al.:Total material requirement for the global energy transition to 2050: A focus on transport and electricity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 91–103, 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.05.015 (2019). . Until 2050 the demand for metals might be up to tenfold according to106 Hodgkinson, J. H. & Smith, M. H. Climate change and sustainability as drivers for the next mining and metals boom: The need for climate-smart mining and recycling. Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.05.016 (2021). . Based on microeconomic theory and empirical evidence prices are expected to vary with demand107 Issler, J. V., Rodrigues, C. & Burjack, R.: Using common features to understand the behavior of metal-commodity prices and forecast them at different horizons. Journal of International Money and Finance, 310–335, 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2013.08.017 (2014). . Especially assuming that new metal discoveries will decrease in the future there is a strong argument to expect demand and prices to increase99 Cox, B., Innis, S., Kunz, N. C. & Steen, J.: The mining industry as a net beneficiary of a global tax on carbon emissions. Commun Earth Environ, 10.1038/s43247-022-00346-4 (2022). 54 Dold, B.: Sustainability in metal mining: from exploration, over processing to mine waste management. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 275–285, 10.1007/s11157-008-9142-y (2008). .
Even given the current indications it should always be taken into account that predicting long-term trends for commodity prices comes with a huge amount of uncertainty as general tendencies simply do not exist108 Cuddington, J. T. & Nülle, G.: Variable long-term trends in mineral prices: The ongoing tug-of-war between exploration, depletion, and technological change. Journal of International Money and Finance, 224–252, 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2013.08.013 (2014). . There do also exist predictions that foresee an increase in volume of metals of 7.6% in 2027 but at the same time a severe decrease in value by 31.6% (MarketLine, S. 2). The authors reason their prediction with labor shortages, supply chain disruptions and slowing demand from construction and automotive industries as well as a potential oversupply and climate concerns in the market13 MarketLine: Global Metals & Mining (2023). . Looking at predictions of the world bank, prices are expected to develop differently for different metals. Most apparent is the difference between Aluminium that is expected to increase in price by 40.8% from 2020 to 2035, while at the same time Iron ore is expected to decrease in price by 36.1%109 World Bank: World Bank Commodities Price Forecast (nominal US dollars) (2021). . Research has shown that at least for some metals like steel the demand is more dependent on per capita income than on price99 Cox, B., Innis, S., Kunz, N. C. & Steen, J.: The mining industry as a net beneficiary of a global tax on carbon emissions. Commun Earth Environ, 10.1038/s43247-022-00346-4 (2022). . In that case a potential change in price might not influence the demand as strongly as one might expect.
How these anticipated future market developments are influencing the sustainability of the sector itself is another question with a multitude of different perspectives and predictions. While increases in price and demand will likely lead to an increase in recycling9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). , an increased demand combined with scarcity of material both in pure form and in form of recyclable scrap will pose problems for a fully circular economy110 Upadhyay, A., Laing, T., Kumar, V. & Dora, M.: Exploring barriers and drivers to the implementation of circular economy practices in the mining industry. Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102037 (2021). . In any case as has been highlighted above, an extended lifespan of products would greatly improve sustainability104 Dominish, E. et al.:“Slowing” and “Narrowing” the Flow of Metals for Consumer Goods: Evaluating Opportunities and Barriers. Sustainability, 1096, 10.3390/su10041096 (2018). .
4.4 Social
NGOs and citizens movements, in collaboration with other societal actors, have often been able to create public awareness for sustainability problems of mining operations in different ways: own investigations and measurements, public relations, addressing companies, policy makers and institutions or legal claims111 Conde, M.: Resistance to mining: A review, Ecological Economics, 132, 80–90, (2017). . Prominent examples concerning metals and mining on an international level are the campaigns against diamonds fuelling wars in Sierra Leone and Angola (”blood diamonds”), which involved i.a. the NGOs Global Witness, Amnesty International, Oxfam International and World Vision, resulting in an international certification scheme for diamonds112 Smillie, I.: Not accountable to anyone? Collective action and the role of NGOs in the campaign to ban ‘blood diamonds’. In A. Ebrahim, & E. Weisband (Eds.): Global Accountabilities: Participation, Pluralism, and Public Ethics, 112–130, (2007), Cambridge University Press. , as well as campaigns targeting other conflict minerals, like 3T (tantalum, tin, tungsten) or gold. Furthermore, a civil society campaign for conflict minerals awareness was the starting point of the “fairphone”-company113 Akemu, O., Whiteman, G., & Kennedy, S.: Social Enterprise Emergence from Social Movement Activism: The Fairphone Case. Journal of Management Studies, 53(5), 846–877, (2016). that aims at producing smartphones free of conflict minerals and with fair working conditions along the supply chain.
On a more regional basis, though not neglecting global motivations and partly international attention, the following examples can be mentioned:
- Protests against coal mines, like in the German Hambach forest area, which helped to put a halt to further destruction of the forest by energy company RWE, and received international attention114 Breuer, W.: Der Hambacher Forst – Chronologie eines Konflikts. In D. Czybulka, & W. Köck (Eds.): Forstwirtschaft und Biodiversitätsschutz im Wald. 44, 147–160, (2022), Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
- The standing rock protests against the Dakota Oil Access Pipeline
- Environmental justice movements in Latin America, targeting i.a. the gold industry115 Urkidi, L., & Walter, M.: Dimensions of environmental justice in anti-gold mining movements in Latin America. Geoforum, 42(6), 683–695, (2011).
Beyond these examples, there is a lot of local activism targeting a certain mine, refinery, company or region, with varying success111 Conde, M.: Resistance to mining: A review, Ecological Economics, 132, 80–90, (2017). . Furthermore, it is suggested that NGO-business collaborations can be helpful for resource sector companies in instable or conflict-affected regions, since local NGOs often know the specific conditions and have established networks116 Kolk, A., & Lenfant, F.: Business-NGO Collaboration in a Conflict Setting: Partnership Activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Business and Society, 51(3), 478–511, (2012). . Generally, it can be stated that metals and mining corporations are increasingly motivated to put more efforts in addressing environmental and social concerns to preserve or restore a good reputation117 Heflin, F., & Wallace, D.: The BP Oil Spill: Shareholder Wealth Effects and Environmental Disclosures. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 44(3–4), 337–374, (2017). .
However, public opinions may constitute a barrier to sustainability as well. In regions or nations with mining activities, there are reports of civil activism against sustainability-enforcing regulations and political support in favor of extractive industries, due to fear of loss of livelihoods in a mining-related facility or due to hope for overall economic prosperity101 Li, F.: Unearthing Conflict. Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru. (2015), Duke University Press. . Also, there are cases when communities become financially dependent on pollution reparation payments by corporations and therefore support or at least not oppose unsustainable corporate policies118 Ho, P., & Yang, X.: Conflict over mining in rural China: A comprehensive survey of intentions and strategies for environmental activism. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(5), (2018), .
Within the sector, industry- and multi-stakeholder associations and initiatives play a major role in enforcing sustainability practices. Organizations like the International Council on Metals and Mining (ICMM), the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) or the Mineral Council of Australia (MCA) pushed their members, e.g., to adopt sustainability reporting and help generate sector-specific sustainability knowledge119 Fonseca, A.: How Credible are Mining Corporations’ Sustainability Reports? A Critical Analysis of External Assurance under the Requirements of the International Council on Mining and Metals. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 17(6), 355–370 (2010). . There is a number of organizations with different focuses and scopes:
Table 2 Overview of industry/multistakeholder initiatives (own figure, 120 Potts, J., Wenban-Smith, M., Turley, L., & Lynch, M.: State of Sustainability Initiatives Review: Standards and the Extractive Economy. (2018), International Institute for Sustainable Development: Winnipeg. 121 Responsible Minerals Initiative: Responsible Minerals Initiative: Promoting Responsible Business Practices. (2020), Responsible Business Alliance. 122 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative: EITI Factsheet. (2022), EITI. 123 ICMM: Assurance and Validation Procedure. Performance Expectations. (2023), ICMM: London. 124 Bettercoal: Working towards a global responsible coal supply chain: Bettercoal Code 2.0. (2021), Bettercoal. )
Organization | Industry Scope | Commodities | Membership Requirements | Members |
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) | Large-scale, whole supply chain | Aluminium | Set of codes about i.a. tailings, LCA, indigenous rights, GHG-emission standards | Covers 40% of bauxite (aluminium raw material) production and 25% of aluminium production |
Bettercoal initiative | Large-scale, Europe | Coal | Commitment to standardized reporting and continuous improvement regarding 12 sustainability principles | Account for 70% of European and 5% of global coal useg |
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) | Large-scale, whole supply chain, global | All | Value chain disclosure requirements | |
Fairmined Standard | ASM, global | Gold | Social and basic environmental requirements | |
International Council for Mining and Metals (ICMM) | Large-scale, mining, global | All | Standardized reporting, external assurance, compliance whith a set of performance expectations covering all major sustainability topics | 27 companies in resource extraction, representing 1/3 of the sectors activities |
Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) | Large-scale whole supply chain | Diamonds | Due Diligence requirements, audits for Kimberley-Process compliance | Covers 70% of diamond production |
Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) | Large-scale, whole supply chain, global | Gold, tin, tantalum, tungsten, cobalt from conflict areas | Due Diligence, assessment and reporting | 380 companies from the whole supply chain |
Discriminatory structures are prevalent in the metals and mining sector as well and can impair sustainability. Mining companies often work in a multicultural setting, which can be challenging to deal with adequately.9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). Also, mining traditionally is a male dominated industry9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). , reflecting societal beliefs about gender inequality. E.g., in former times, in parts women were forbidden underground9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). ; still today, women in artisanal small-scale mining in African countries face a set of disadvantages, driven by beliefs about their subordinate status or spiritual beliefs about them harming the mining success with their presence125 Onditi, F.: Gender Inequalities in Africa’s Mining Policies: A Study of Inequalities, Resource Conflict and Sustainability. 1st ed. (2022), Springer: Singapore. , while in the management of larger mining companies, women are even more underrepresented then in other sectors126 Sasikala, V., & Sankaranarayanan, V.: Diversity in Global Mining: Where We Are and What We Need to Do. AIB Insights, 22(3), (2022). .
Social norms can also be a barrier to sufficiency strategies in the sector, e.g. due to pressure for using up-to-date-products and limited social acceptance of sharing, repairing or giving away unused items127 Dominish, E., Retamal, M., Sharpe, S., Lane, R., Rhamdhani, M. A., Corder, G., Giurco, D., & Florin, N.: “Slowing” and “narrowing” the flow of metals for consumer goods: Evaluating opportunities and barriers. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(4), (2018)..
4.5 Technological
There are several technological development trends framed under digital transformation that can be applied in mining operations to improve sustainability. Most prominent here is the automation of processes, accompanied by technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), remote operation centers (ROCs), connected workers, robotics and drone technology128 Clausen, E., & Sörensen, A.: Required and desired: breakthroughs for future-proofing mineral and metal extraction. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 521–537 (2022). . Automation can take place in various steps of mining processes and serve different sustainability goals. On the health and safety side, generally spoken, automation helps moving people out of high-risk areas and therefore improves their work environments128 Clausen, E., & Sörensen, A.: Required and desired: breakthroughs for future-proofing mineral and metal extraction. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 521–537 (2022). . A side effect hereof is that there is less need for people living close to mines, which is usually beneficial for their health, but also reduces the mine’s environmental footprint4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. . On the environmental side, it can generally be stated that automated machinery can be controlled more precisely than human-operated machinery and thus work more efficiently, reduce unnecessary labor, emissions a.s.o., and have a longer lifespan. Examples for specific applications are4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. :
- Automated mining trucks and rigs reduce workers’ exposition to hazardous material
- Automated tunnel-boring and drilling reduces workers’ exposition to hazardous environments & processes (temperature, rockfall etc.); also they can target ore deposits more precisely, avoiding disturbance, waste and emissions.
- Automated site monitoring (remote sensing): more precise and complete surveillance of rock structures, emissions, water flows etc.
- Automated ventilation can be used more precisely (in combination with sensoring), which can save up to 40% of energy.
Complementary to the operation site technologies, integrated software platforms, simulation and visualization as well as data analytics can help with controlling processes and making decisions at the management level128 Clausen, E., & Sörensen, A.: Required and desired: breakthroughs for future-proofing mineral and metal extraction. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 521–537 (2022). .
Electrification is another technology trend that can improve mining operations’ sustainability.Generally, it leads to less emissions inside the mines, which reduces health and safety hazards as well as the need for ventilation, which saves energy. Also, electrification of processes opens the opportunity for on-site renewable energy production, which can replace fossil fuel transports to the mine – a double saving of GHG emissions, also an opportunity for cost reduction.4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. A best-practice example for use of new technologies is the fully electric Borden gold mine, established by Goldcorp in Ontario (Canada). It is estimated to save a major part of GHG emissions and be economically viable in the long term due to decreased operation costs4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. 129 Anonymous, Goldcorp’s Borden Gold Project Will Be the First All-electric Mine. Mining Engineering 70(10), 33(2018), Littleton. .
Apart from general technology trends, there are also sector specific developments in the shape of new mining methods:
- Continuous mining: instead of traditional drill-and-blast-mining, usually creates less waste rock and performs better with regards to workers’ health and safety3 Kesler, S. E., Simon, A. C.: Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. 2nd edition (2015), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Solution mining, includingin-situ or heap leaching, has at its core the extraction of minerals and metals from rock material by inserting a chemical solution that binds them and extracting them from the solution afterwards. It promises less damage to surface flora and fauna and avoidance of dust spreading, however carries the risk of water contamination and requires careful handling of the leaching solution. 3 Kesler, S. E., Simon, A. C.: Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment. 2nd edition (2015), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris.
Nevertheless, digital technologies that might be beneficial in the future, to date often do not yet work as desired. For example, mining machinery and software still mostly lack common digital interfaces, thus corporations face compatibility problems, while special technologies suitable to mining environments are often still missing. 128 Clausen, E., & Sörensen, A.: Required and desired: breakthroughs for future-proofing mineral and metal extraction. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 521–537 (2022). Furthermore, new technologies can have downsides when it comes to social sustainability. The proposed developments in automation and digitalization are likely to reduce job opportunities, especially for people with low qualification,4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. cause social disruptions and economic losses for communities130 Keenan, J., Kemp, D., & Owen, J.: Corporate responsibility and the social risk of new mining technologies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(4), 752–760 (2019). .
Another barrier in the technological field are costs for implementation, that are often a hindrance for using sustainable technology. E.g. the mining sector is confronted with extraordinarily high risks concerning health, safety and environment, compared to other sectors; therefore, technologies for minimizing risks and damages are highly specialized and relatively costly100 Qudrat-Ullah, H., & Panthallor, P. N.: Operational Sustainability in the Mining Industry. (2021), Springer: Singapore. . The same applies for many digital technologies128 Clausen, E., & Sörensen, A.: Required and desired: breakthroughs for future-proofing mineral and metal extraction. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 521–537 (2022). and recycling processes131 Upadhyay, A., Laing, T., Kumar, V., & Dora, M.: Exploring barriers and drivers to the implementation of circular economy practices in the mining industry. Resources Policy, 72, (2021). , due to the complex requirements for these technologies in metals and mining.
Also, sustainability enhancing technology for important steps is still lacking. In terms of waste management, where corporations must deal with long-time processes in the closure and post-closure phase, research as well needs to be conducted over relatively long timeframes, which slows technology development respectively. Also, it is extremely challenging to achieve a sufficient degree of certainty, since some processes require technologies providing security for hundreds of years.54 Dold, B.: Sustainability in metal mining: From exploration, over processing to mine waste management. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 7(4), pp. 275–285 (2008).
4.6 Firm-internal
Mining and metals corporations can enhance their sustainability by adopting structural and cultural measures that help firms in other sectors too, like leadership for sustainability, mainstream CSR, sustainability and diversity oriented company culture, respective employee trainings etc.132 Puplampu, B. B., & Dashwood, H. S.: Organizational Antecedents of a Mining Firm’s Efforts to Reinvent Its CSR: The Case of Golden Star Resources in Ghana. Business and Society Review, 116(4), 467–407 (2011). This also includes the compliance to standards by industry initiatives (for more details, see social drivers), as well as standardized sustainability reporting, wherein the GRI G4 Guidelines with Metals and Mining Sector Supplement are a common standard19 Ivic, A., Saviolidis, N. M., & Johannsdottir, L.: Drivers of sustainability practices and contributions to sustainable development evident in sustainability reports of European mining companies. Discover Sustainability, 2(17), 10.1007/s43621-021-00025-y (2021). . A sector specific characteristic is the special importance of local community involvement, which derives from the large influence that resource extraction activities can have at a local scale, including the creation and changing of settlement structures close to mining operations. There are lots of reports on how mining corporations failed sustainability when neglecting local communities in different ways and lacking internal structures to assessing and addressing community needs.132 Puplampu, B. B., & Dashwood, H. S.: Organizational Antecedents of a Mining Firm’s Efforts to Reinvent Its CSR: The Case of Golden Star Resources in Ghana. Business and Society Review, 116(4), 467–407 (2011). 136 Amoah, P., & Eweje, G.: Barriers to environmental sustainability practices of multinational mining companies in Ghana: an institutional complexity perspective. Corporate Governance, 22(2), 364–384 (2022). 137 Littlewood, D.: “Cursed” Communities? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company Towns and the Mining Industry in Namibia. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(1), 39-63(2014). Therefore, also regarding growing international scrutiny on mining operations, thorough stakeholder management is very important to ensuring sustainable business development in extractive industries138 Matikainen, L. S.: Addressing Sustainability in the Mining Industry Through Stakeholder Engagement. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 11(1), 35–48 (2022). .
Multinationality of corporations is a condition that leads them to rather adopt global best standards and therefore at least pledge sustainable business practices, given the global standards are higher than national ones. Possibly multinational corporations are more dependent on the perception of an international audience, including sustainability promoting investors.136 Amoah, P., & Eweje, G.: Organisational drivers and sustainability implementation in the mining industry: A holistic theoretical framework. Business Strategy and the Environment, (2023). Appropriately, large size of mining companies usually results in higher managerial sustainability efforts, possibly due to higher public expectations towards big companies and their financial resources to invest in sustainability136 Amoah, P., & Eweje, G. Organisational drivers and sustainability implementation in the mining industry: A holistic theoretical framework. Business Strategy and the Environment, (2023). . This is supported by the argumentation that mining is a high-risk sector and therefore accidents, environmental or social, tend to draw considerable media attention, bearing the potential for considerable reputation losses92 Franken, G., & Schütte, P.: Current trends in addressing environmental and social risks in mining and mineral supply chains by regulatory and voluntary approaches. Mineral Economics, 35(3–4), 653–671 (2022). On the other hand, Kim & Davis (2016) find that international diversification and supply chain complexity can as well reduce the ability of metals and mining firms to ensure sustainability standards139 Kim, Y. H., & Davis, G. F.: Challenges for global supply chain sustainability: Evidence from conflict minerals reports. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 1896–1916, (2016). .
Managers’ cognition and private moral ideas are also quite relevant and can either support or hamper sustainable management decisions, which seems to be especially true for complex environments with contradictory incentives which many mining companies find themselves in136 Amoah, P., & Eweje, G. Organisational drivers and sustainability implementation in the mining industry: A holistic theoretical framework. Business Strategy and the Environment, (2023). . In general, accordingly, it might be stated that firm-internal drivers for sustainability are especially important for extractive industries, since they often work in political environments with significant institutional voids and are then challenged to fill these with their own standards136 Amoah, P., & Eweje, G. Organisational drivers and sustainability implementation in the mining industry: A holistic theoretical framework. Business Strategy and the Environment, (2023). . Mining as a business with a long tradition, aimed at long terms, comes with a company culture that can be characterized by a sector specific inertia, that is also supported by education systems 9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). 4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. . Control-focused management approaches are widespread, with core values being delivery reliability, low cost and market penetration, which do not encourage flexibility, adjustability to change or openness to new relations9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). .
4.3 Environmental
Many scientific works have been published trying to uncover the effects of increasing demand for metals and minerals when transitioning into a low-carbon economy. In some cases, authors concluded that availability of metals and minerals might be limited110 Upadhyay, A., Laing, T., Kumar, V. & Dora, M.: Exploring barriers and drivers to the implementation of circular economy practices in the mining industry. Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102037 (2021). 140 Lacy, P., Long, J. & Spindler, W.: The Circular Economy Handbook. (2020), Palgrave Macmillan: London. . If the limited demand is a result of scarce physical resources, in this case metal or mineral deposits, it could be considered an environmental factor affecting sustainability. Physical scarcity will be a barrier to sustainability as the ore grades deteriorate and therefore more energy and resources will be needed for the same amount of concentrate32 Luukkanen, S., Tanhua, A., Zhang, Z., Mollehuara Canales, R. & Auranen, I.: Towards waterless operations from mine to mill. Minerals Engineering, 10.1016/j.mineng.2022.107793 (2022). . At the same time physical scarcity would lead to improvements in recycling and boost the implementation of a circular economy9 Hodge, R. A., Ericsson, M., Löf, O., Löf, A. & Semkowich, P.: The global mining industry: corporate profile, complexity, and change. Mineral Economics, 35, 587–606; 10.1007/s13563-022-00343-1 (2022). .
However, it is unclear whether the expected scarcity of metals and minerals is caused by geological scarcity or by economic scarcity. Assumptions on future discoveries of resources, as well as technological progress that might improve accessibility of resources or usability of lower grade ores, will greatly impact the forecast 110 Upadhyay, A., Laing, T., Kumar, V. & Dora, M.: Exploring barriers and drivers to the implementation of circular economy practices in the mining industry. Resources Policy, 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102037 (2021). . Technological inventions might also lead to drastic changes in demand; e.g. if lithium-ion batteries will be replaced by a new technology4 OECD: Mining and Green Growth in the EECCA Region, OECD Green Growth Studies, (2019), OECD Publishing: Paris. . In that sense scarcity, no matter if economic or physical, would incentivize research looking for potential substitutes to scarce resources141 Gordon, R. B., Bertram, M. & Graedel, T. E.: Metal Stocks and Sustainability. National Academy of Sciences (2006). . If new substitutes and technologies will act as a driver or barrier for sustainability stands on another page.
There do also exist scenario analysis that find the current natural resources in metals and minerals to be sufficient. The bottleneck in the given paper were neither economic profitability nor geological availability, but the emission budgets derived from the goal to keep global temperature well below two degrees142 Watari, T., Nansai, K. & Nakajima, K.: Contraction and convergence of in-use metal stocks to meet climate goals. Global Environmental Change, 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102284 (2021). . It has to be noted that many current scenarios investigating potential bottlenecks in the transition towards low-carbon economy are not taking into account the energetic return on investment (EROI). If humanity wants to keep on living on a planet, which is only possible if its environmental barriers and physical boundaries are respected, the way of life in today’s industrial complex societies must transition beyond current growth paradigms143 Capellán-Pérez, I., Castro, C. de & Miguel González, L. J.: Dynamic Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) and material requirements in scenarios of global transition to renewable energies. Energy Strategy Reviews, 10.1016/j.esr.2019.100399 (2019). .
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